[MF] [Chapter 7 of our journey through the lifestyle]

Happy New Years! I was going to write a recap of our time in the lifestyle and what we learned this past 6 months from being in it but instead I come to you with another chapter of our sexual adventures through the lifestyle because its an unreal event for us that we cant believe we got to take part in.

A lovely couple had found us on reddit and reached out about possibly attending their NYE gathering. They were getting a nice suite at a hotel and inviting 3 other couples. We felt honoured to be even considered after chatting and getting to know each other for a few days. They extended an official invitation to us, which we gladly accepted. However we did mention that my GF time of the month looked like it would end up falling on the same night and decided we did not want to be the couple there who couldn’t fully play if not everyone was comfortable with that. The host decided they liked us enough and thought we would fit well with the other couples so they said the invite was still on the table and we accepted. We went with the intention to connect with other like minded couples and just to be in the environment and play together and only involve ourselves as much or as little as everyone was comfortable with. My GF was ok with me playing and just sucking cock all night and boy did she put her mouth to work that night.

[MF] [Chapter 6 of our journey through the lifestyle]

Hello back with another journey through the lifestyle! This past weekend we were lucky enough to meet up with two couples. The first being a previous couple we had played with and then a new couple the following night. Coincidentally these two couples had actually met each other before. I was able to put two and two together when they told me about their previous dates. Has anyone ever run into playing with couples that had previously played together? We found that it actually helped us being less nervous to meet the new couple as they had been “vetted” in our eyes.

Playing with a couple for the second time, we felt the experience would be much better than the first and for us it was! Everyone was more comfortable, less nervous and I felt I was able to be a bit more aggressive this time. Knowing more about what I can do or how far I can go with my dirty talk and what not. We were able to explore more such as separate room play, shower sex, anal and a few different positions. The other GF described the sex as almost animalistic, which I found very hot. Happy we got to see them again as it’s nice to have friends in the lifestyle you can play with again here and there.