Coffee Creamed [MF][SHORT][Public][Strangers]

We meet at a local Café

We have our coffee and sip on them.

You get up to use the bathroom and I decide to also.

We finish. We wash our hands and leave at the same time.

You bump into me and we smile and kind of chuckle over it.

You look up at me and with that gorgeous smile, I get that overwhelming urge to kiss you. So, I do.

Our lips meet and you feel my mouth open. My tongue leaves my mouth and slides into yours.

I push you backwards back into the women’s bathroom. I reach around you and squeeze your ass. I lift you up and you wrap your legs around me. I walk us into the stall and close the door behind me.

I lift your shirt over your head and then I pull your bra over your breasts.

Categorized as Erotica

Helping Out [MF] [Short]

  Walking down the street to my friends house I see a woman having troubles carrying her groceries into her house. I offered to help, she politely refused. 

   I insisted. 

  She agreed she did need a hand and I grabbed two bags and carried them in. 

  She offered me a glass of water and while she hands it to me her cell rings, she turns her head. The cup hits my hand as I reach out and it splashes onto my jeans. She looked down and grabbed a paper towel and started wiping at it not realizing she’s wiping at my crotch as well. 

  Her hand brushing against me felt good and I started getting hard. She finally realized what she was doing and her hand stops. She looked at me and our eyes met. Her face went flushed and her lips full and pouty, I leaned in to kiss her but she pulls back. I walked in to her and had her pressed against me and the counter behind her.

  She grabbed my shoulder to push me away but instead she pulled me into her. Her breasts squishing between us, I kissed the bare skin above her collar and she grabbed my head pushing me deeper into her cleavage. 

After Shower [MF] [short]

  You’re laying in the bed on your stomach after a shower. The towel by your side you lay naked on top the sheets.

  I walk over to you and kneel over you as I get on the bed. You feel the bed shift and you open your eyes and try to turn over but I stop you. My hands on your hips you feel my lips touch the small

  of your naked back, gliding around as it caresses your skin.

  My hands massaging you as my mouth moves upward to your shoulders and to the back of your neck.

  I manuver myself between your legs and you spread them for me and my cock pressing against you through my pants. You put your hand’s behind your back and your fingers trace the outline of my cock

  as it fills my pants.

  My teeth nibble on your earlobe and my tongue flicking out at your neck. You unzip my pants and slide my cock out. You guide it to your pussy with your finger tips and you shift you hip upward into

The Hotel [MF] [Fantasy] [First Submission]

“That’ll be 12.50 Sir”

  I see the hotel in front of me.  

  “Sir! That’ll be 12.50?!”

  “Oh! Sorry I was districted”

  I say digging into my pocket for the fare. 

  Handing him a 10 and a 5 dollar bill. 

  “That’s good, keep the change”

  He gets out of the  cab and helps me bring my luggage to the door. 

  I get the counter and give my name. The gentleman takes my credit card and taps on keys in rhythmic tune on the keyboard. 

  He hands me my card back along with the key card for my room, I gather my luggage and make my way to the elevator. 

  I fall. . . 

  Falling freely with my arms wide open. 

  Hitting the soft surface of the blankets then the firmness of the mattress. 

  I let out a long groan of satisfaction that I’m done traveling for the day. 

  I turn onto my back folding my hands on my chest. 

  Feels so good to get away, even for just a night.