My girlfriend and her friend, part 4 [mf]

Unfortunately, this story doesn’t culminate in a threesome. If you want to read about one of those, go [here]( I will write about one of the other brothel threesomes later on.

We went back to the room. I had brought some weed, and offered to smoke with Karen. She took me up on my offer. We got comfortable and got ready for bed. I wasn’t satisfied, however, and kept pushing for a threesome. I took my clothes off again, taking pleasure in exhibitionism; but neither girl wanted to take it further.

We turned the lights out, and I wanted to fuck Bee in the dark. She wouldn’t let me with Karen in the room. She promised she’d reward me when we got home. We sat there cross-legged, and she tried to calm me down. Maybe it was the weed, but something strange happened. I felt a sensation in my “third eye”—the spot roughly in between my eyebrows—that I usually get when I go from being stressed to calm. And I felt like I became unmoored in time. I was sat there in the dark, and at the same time I am in the hot spring, nude, with Bee, while Karen showers. I am in the hotel room, jumping up and down in front of the two girls, my cock wagging up and down as they giggle. I am in the hotel room, sitting cross-legged with Bee in the dark. I am sitting on the floor of the bathroom, cumming on her face as my reward.

My girlfriend and her friend, part 3 [mff]

I found Bee and Karen just where I had left them. I dropped off the food and we decided to go upstairs to eat it. The main hot springs building was an old hotel that seemed like it dated from the gold rush. We asked the front desk nicely if there was a place to eat, and they said we could eat up in the old dining room, which wasn’t normally allowed. We brought our food up and sat eating it quietly, the wind swirling and banging the saloon-style doors around. It felt like we were in a ghost-haunted Wild West.

I suggested a game of never have I ever. I wanted to make things more interesting, so I added that we should play strip never have I ever. “Every time you would normally put a finger down, instead, you must remove an article of clothing in the hot spring.” We had decided we would use our hour in the private hot spring together. Juliet seemed nervous but down. I couldn’t tell if Bee wanted to kill me or for me to fuck her brains out. I deliberately lost a bunch of times because I wanted to be naked.

My girlfriend and her friend, part 2 [mff]

A week or two later, Bee mentioned that her and Karen were planning on going to a hot springs together. Great! Could I come? I might remember some annoyance in Bee’s voice, or maybe that’s how I’m coloring in my memory now. Either way, she agreed, and made sure it was alright with Karen. They had been planning to venture to a faraway spring but we decided on one closer. There was a deal we found that sounded perfect: a room, unlimited time in the mixed, clothed hot springs, and a choice of either the gender-separated nude communal springs or a gender-mixed private room together. It seemed to cover every possibility: we could spend a family-friendly evening in the mixed springs; Bee could see Karen nude in the female springs and I could hang out with a bunch of naked dudes (not ideal for me); or we could hang out in the private bath and see what happened.

I knew next to nothing about Karen. I knew that her parents were Chinese, and she was born in America and didn’t speak the language. Bee and I both spoke Chinese. Hers was better than mine. Lastly, Bee had told me that her breasts were big for a Chinese girl.
This all sounded good to me.

My girlfriend and her friend, part 1 [mff]

Have you ever had one or two sexual experiences you constantly try to recreate? That has been the case for me recently. If you [go back here](, you can read about my first threesome, which was the first such experience. To summarize: I went to a brothel in Prague and had a sublime experience, simultaneously releasing much of my shame (and my cum. So much cum.)

This story begins about three months from that, when I met Bee. Actually, I had met her before, but only once—she was my brother’s friend, and made me gluten-free bao (dumplings). She had lived in China and learned to speak Chinese there, which was about all I knew about her then. Fast forward to the present: I am lucky enough to live in a comfy apartment with a shared pool. I get a text from her:

>hey, asonetwothree! asdonetwothree’s brother gave me your number! Can I come over and swim in your pool?

I remember thinking she was cute when I met her, and something about this text excited about me. I wrote it off as her being whimsical, as she was.