[STORY] excerpt from “the lost epic of the wandering muse” by Damien Be

This is an excerpt from a story called “the lost epic of a wandering muse”

This part of the story is where the wandering muse of enthusiasm sets out to enthuse the other muses of the world and he follows a trail of paint and pleasurably enlightened beauty leading to a lovely androgenous figure, the muse of radical self expressionism… And there they sit wondering if their work here is done, and the muse of enthusiasm gets to help add to the joy in the muse of radical self expressionisms work, it’s an “amuse your muse” theme where they end up bouncing radical ideas off each other with renewed music, renewed stories, and renewed feelings of being nude beneath the eyes of their own recreational recreation of self and all else!

I’ll start the except off here and cut to the chase…

He knocks on the door,

They answers with a rush of radical expressions,

They see him for who he really is, their smile reaches wider than the sky inside his eyes,

he reciprocates with excitement…

They motions to welcome him in,

[POEM] “repeating motions thrown into a mini death”

Sleeping bleeding slumbers
over into wonder…

Whispered fading feelings resembling the unassembled pleasure experienced on the floor…

Creeking board walk pressure pleasers, teasing dreamers, seeking light house shore talk keepers…

Louder than clock radio speakers…

Submitting mixed permission slips commiting us to explore a wish, admitting, that there’s this urge, to submerge ourselves in a receding displacement of perception, where our eyes roll back and retreat for some much needed relief as we relax, belonging to the moment, focused on your breath…
Breathing deeply
Until achieving eternal rest…

“Repeating motions thrown into a mini death”