The new trainee [Fm] [str8]

She’d worked at the law firm for 10 years and without even realising had allowed herself to stagnate in a role that she had once loved. Everyday had become mundane until he joined as a trainee, part of the graduate training programme. As one of the partners she had been part of the induction programme and from the very first session had found her eyes drawn towards him at every opportunity. For his part he sat and gazed at her with a hunger in his eyes that had not been directed at her for a while. Every time he stared at her she got the impression that he was mentally undressing her, and much more beyond. I’m with that intense interest came a surge of arousal in her. By the third day could not get through a session where he was present without having soaked into her underwear, and by day four was having to relieve herself in one of the cubicles of the women’s bathroom. She masturbated next to her sleeping husband in bed, and when he woke and found her aroused, she fantasised that it was the young trainee sliding his cock inside her.

Tropical Beach Story Part 1 (first draft) MFF

Just testing to see if I can write.

The boat ride was a short one from the main island to the resort but it was still late evening before Kristin and Morten arrived at the resort. A late meal was served in their beach villa and then they slept off the fatigue of the journey, the warm sea breeze blowing in through the open shutters. They woke in the morning to the sound of waves on the reef that protected the white sand of the wide bay. Kristin was lying on her front, a pair of loose silk shorts her only item of clothing. He leaned over her and kissed her shoulder. It was soft and warm from a night in the sea breeze, with the very faint taste of salt.

Morten hands ran down her back and his lips followed. She smiled and arched her back, inviting him to continue. His fingertips moved down the sides of her body, shivers accompanying the sensations. The tingle was duplicated between her legs and she squirmed to show him the effect she was having. As he moved his hands inside the material of her shorts she spread her legs and he gently tested her arousal, her wetness coating his finger. She felt him withdraw and stand.

WhatsApp Story for my partner. Part 1.

She had a house by the ocean. She liked to wonder down to the beach and watch the surfers. She goes down when it’s warm and sunny so she can sit in just her swim wear and the surfers are just wearing board shorts. She would watch them surf for hours, standing occasionally so she could get a better view and be seen. She would make sure that she was close to where their stuff was placed on the beach so that when they came back to the beach and towelled themselves dry she could see the moisture on their bodies.

Always one of the surfers, bronzed and salty from the sea would come over and say hello. She would lie on her back, propped up on her elbows and chat with them. Often she would find him attractive, young and lean, and would stand to be close to them or invite them to sit with her. As she enjoyed their company, a warmth would spread through her and she would squirm involuntarily as she became aroused. Board shorts meant that she could always tell if the feelings were reciprocated. It was rare they were not. As the sun touched the ocean horizon, she would invite him back to her house, a short walk through the dunes to the edge of the village. Fetching a cold drink from the fridge, she would lead them out onto the balcony as the last of the light disappeared.