[MF] The Story of How I Started Fucking My Ex’s Best Friend.

My sophomore year of highschool was full of ups and downs (pun intended). I had a boyfriend for 6 months, who abruptly broke up with me after a car accident. My face was pretty beat up in the crash and I guess he didn’t like that. It absolutely crushed me. I knew I was going to get back at him one way or another.

Fast forward a few months and a LOT of recovery, and I was on the Cross Country team with one of my ex’s best friends, we will call him “O”. We were always were flirty with each other, even before the break up. The flirting definitely got more direct after though. More sexual jokes, touching/hitting each other “good game”…etc.

At our school there is a trail that goes through the woods and back around to the school and we would run it pretty regularly for practice. One day “O” an I were running along the trail during warm ups and I spotted this little clearing not that far off of the trail. I told him let’s go check it out.

[MF] I fucked my Coach in highschool my senior year. I was 18 at the time and he was 21.

So it was my senior year in high school. My school decided to bring back pole vault as a sport. I was an adrenaline junkie so I was super excited to learn how to throw myself into the air so I signed up.

The first day of practice was the first time I met “Brandon” who was the Pole Vault coach. None of the current teachers or coaches knew anything about pole vaulting, so they had a local volunteer come in to help coach us. He had Dark brown hair, tan complexion, was in the military, and was just handsome as fuck. Plus he was only 3 years older then I was at the time.

Practice was normal for the first week. We did some light flirting, picking on each other..ect. Nothing crazy. I was learning how to pole vault so there was plenty to make fun of though. The second week however went a little different.