Sometimes you [f]ellate at practice

Sometimes you [f]ellate at practice.

Hey folks. Your fave grad student here; yep, still a slut. Today’s tale is about the summer after my senior year, before I was going to head to college. Come hunt down the last of the silly-boys-still-holding-out with me?

The dog days of summer. We all know ’em, some of us are even crazy enough to love ’em. I personally really enjoy the heat especially after sampling one academic year in Minneapolis. I’ll never live somewhere that accumulates snowfall again, so long as I can help it.

That summer in between I had a few hotties I had to check off of my “fuck list” before everyone went their separate ways for college and other forms of post-high-school life. A girl had priorities. One such item on my menu was a very tall hombre who went by JJ. He claimed to be 6’5″ and I believed him, unfortunately he was every bit as dumb as he was tall but he was a hard worker and really likeable, so that was enough to get by academically.

Sometimes your neighbors [F]uck you.

Sometimes your neighbors fuck you. [Also a fact.](

Hey, it’s Hannah. Still a slut. It’s your favorite DDD grad student looking to score that A+! Let’s see if another one of my stories can earn me some extra credit.

Spring break my freshman year of college was not a very eventful time. I wanted so very fucking much to go somewhere exotic with my friends just like everyone had always set me up to believe would happen. Sand, sun, tanning, constantly being drunk, fucking randos. I wanted it all. Instead, I got my parents telling me I would have to finance anything I ever wanted to do on spring break and I would be best served to come home and earn some quick cash bartending or waitressing instead. Yay.

So, I broke my friend’s hearts and went back home, and I made my parents happy by getting a waitressing gig. Next year ladies, sorry.

Fast forward to my second or third shift. It was a local bar/restaurant without corporate bullshit and a thankfully distant owner, so, the vibe there allowed us to get away with a lot of shit. I was rolling silverware at like 11 or 11:15, after the kitchen was closed and what few people were left finishing things up at various places in the restaurant while diners chatted and paid their bills one by one. Except for Brandon.

Sometimes you [F]uck your neighbors.

Sometimes you fuck your neighbors. That’s just a fact.

Hey, my name is Hannah and I am a slut. Right now I am a 25 year old grad student living in the southern US. I have really big tits for my size, a small but perky ass, and I am kinky as shit. Let me take you on a tour of my sexual past!

As much sex as I’ve had in my life, I actually kind of got off to a slow start. I grew up in a conservative household in the Sacramento area with a lot of very protective brothers and a lot of nosy friends and family who kept *very* close tabs on me. If I talked to the same boy for too long at a school function, you bet my parents would hear about it. That doesn’t mean it’d have a bad consequence, but bringing down their attention on me for every little thing I did certainly drove me into wild acts of rebellion any time I thought I could get away with it. Having to wear a uniform to school didn’t help either. Enter Michael. This story takes place my senior year of high school when I was 18.