A night of sleeplessness with Geena [MF]

Fair warning: there is no sex in this post. That said, this recounts an evening that was far sexier than some which involved hours of meaningless sex at which I don’t look back with as much fondness.

In college, my roommate Brad was a member of a coed student organization focused on volunteerism. Brad had transferred to my school from another larger school in state and had been a member of that school’s chapter. At his prior school, it was a fairly large and serious group; at our school, it was a small, ragtag group of quirky personalities. And, while coed, our school’s chapter was predominantly young, attractive women.

Soon after joining, Brad served a semester as president, and his term was fairly successful, growing the group from ten to nearly thirty members. He was unable to attract more male students, however, so the organization became even more predominantly female. It was a somewhat stressful position, so I helped him out with a lot of the operational things, such as driving people around and hosting gatherings at our apartment. Occasionally, the group traveled to conferences and volunteer events, and I, being a grad student, would manage some of the logistics, booking hotel rooms for students without credit cards and driving those in the organization who didn’t have cars on campus.

Leveling up in relationship with [m]y college girl[f]riend (long)

When I was a junior in college, I dated Katie (not her real name), a ballet dancer who studied Theater Management in the College of Fine Arts. She was a beautiful young woman, short and thin with a pixie haircut and engaging eyes. Katie was raised Catholic and was pretty conservative when it came to physical expressions of love. For the first eight months of our relationships, it was lots of nudity, but no sex and no blowjobs. I was in love, so I went along with it, but I was always looking for the way to crack the safe.

Every year before Spring term finals, the students of the CFA held a “mock prom”. It was a semi-formal dance with an unusual theme. That year was the “Mock Prom of Cruelty”, which promoted S&M undertones. Given her upbringing, I wasn’t sure if we would be going, as it really didn’t seem like type of Katie’s thing. But Katie was insistent that we go. I chalked it up just to being supportive of her department.

Putting a dent in the universe [MF]

I met Lisa (not her real name) after winter break in my first year in graduate school. She was a sophomore and a friend of my roommate from his chemistry class. We certainly didn’t run in the same circles, so I’m not sure we would have met otherwise. I was focused on my degree, and Lisa was a part-time pothead who hadn’t chosen a major yet.

I couldn’t believe my luck when we first started going out. Lisa had been a soccer player in high school, so she was in great shape. When she told me she had played soccer, I doubted her, because I couldn’t imagine how her large bust permitted her to run, let alone play soccer. She was 5’6” and was a 32D, her breasts being heavy and firm, yet almost defying gravity. Most girls with a body like hers would have never been single, but Lisa was a homebody who preferred staying in and blazing up to going out. Networking through my roommate was about the only way to have crossed paths with her.