When in Rome… do the Romans? [F]

Since moving to England I’ve tried to go somewhere different every time there’s a break. Flights to Europe are cheap and I normally don’t have much going on if I stay home anyway. One summer I decided to spend a week in Rome.

Initially I did all the standard sight seeing. The coliseum, the Vatican, etc. But it was ridiculously hot out and most places were also ridiculously expensive. I was with a friend but we’d been getting on each other’s nerves since leaving Manchester, so when she suggested we do our own things for a couple days I happily agreed.

I installed Tinder despite knowing I’d probably mostly find tourists – it’s not very big in Italy and there were only Americans on holiday when I looked in Venice. To my surprise it was a bit more active in Rome, and the guys it showed me were actually Italian.

I matched with this gorgeous man we’ll call M. He was a few years older than me, tall and well built. He had gorgeous brown eyes and the sexiest smile I’ve ever seen. Every picture of him just screamed ‘fuck me’. M was Italian but new to the city. He had some fancy job that I couldn’t quite understand from his translation, but whatever it was meant that he was free the next few days.

In bed with ‘Prince Harry’ at a Halloween party [FM]

Happy Halloween!

I’ve been lurking here for a little while, but I thought as my first post falls on my favourite holiday, I would keep things (vaguely) on-theme and tell the story of the time I hooked up with [a guy dressed as] Prince Harry. This was a few years ago, but I just got a text from an old roommate which reminded me that it could have just as likely happened tonight!

When I was eighteen I had three goals: Move to England, fuck a lot of hot people, and go to class enough to pass uni.

I was all set for #1 and #3 – I had flown out of sunny California and into a rainstorm a week after my 18th birthday to start my three years at a uni down south. The problem up until this point was a fling I’d had in summer had turned into a Big Deal for him, and I’d been guilted into a long-distance relationship. Right around October I was finally realising that this couldn’t go on. Not only was I just not into the dude, but he was ruining my social life. He knew I was weak for the accent, and that freshers parties were going to be full of single guys. So I couldn’t even go out with my friends much. I wasn’t having fun, so I ended it. I’d like to say that I mourned the relationship, but to be honest I was pretty much immediately ready to move on and start enjoying my time in England!