[M+F+Z+] CRAZY HOT ZOMBIES – The apocalypse is coming so hard.

This is the weirdest thing I’ve ever written. A zombie-filled, pornographic, apocalyptic comedy. It’s more fun with the pictures (mobile friendly). May your quarantine be full of laughter and orgasms.


Here’s the start…


The Crazy Hot Zombie came into the house naked. Her nipples were glistening on her swollen titties. She was smoking.


Her golden Hawaiian skin was smoking, because she was shot. Someone had tried to shoot her in the head but missed. She had a bullet-hole in her collar-bone. Her beautiful skin was closing over the injury, giving off smoke like incense.

She healed in only seconds. Then she was standing there perfectly whole. Perfectly hot. Her dark Hawaiian hair fell back from her golden face. Her lips were red and luscious from the brains she had been eating earlier.

10/10 I would hit that.

“Yo, fuck these bitches,” said Mickey.

He put a sawn-off shotgun up to the Crazy Hot Zombie’s face. He blew her head off – that’s the only way to kill a Crazy Hot Zombie.

“She was fine though,” I said.

“She was,” said Mickey. “Now she’s got an apple bottom and a watermelon head.”