My roommate seduced me and let me touch her in her sleep which ended with us being fwb over quarantine [FF]

I’m not entirely sure how “wild” this story is, so I hope it fits here :)

This happened last year as I had just moved in with my new roommate, Jackie. Jackie is Australian and I thought this was fun as we don’t have a lot of Australians or even foreigners in general here. I met Jackie through a mutual friend and they mentioned she needed a roommate when I was also looking to room with someone, so this was perfect!

We didn’t hit it off immediately because I’m super shy, but she was honestly very nice and welcoming. We conversed every now and then but ultimately we kept to ourselves most of the time. I was always studying and she often went out. This all changed however, when quarantine started.

She started spending more time at home, and since she was an extrovert and had no one else to talk to, she ended up talking to me a lot more :p. We would usually play board games or whatever nightly. We started getting closer at this point, she’s very affectionate, so a lot of hugging and cuddling, light smooches. Nothing out of the ordinary though just affectionate friendship.

I sat on a boy’s lap on a bus ride through a bumpy road [MF]

I hope the title gives enough context lol. Again disclaimer this happened a few years ago as I’m 22 now :D

I was in college at the time and frequently rode the bus to and from school (yes there was a college bus). We usually have a uniform at our university but there was an event that allowed us to dress casually.

I was riding home from school when I realised there were no more seats on the bus. I was really tired at this point and just wanted to sit down. At the far end of the bus I saw a familiar face, my classmate from one of my classes during my first year. I walked up to him and said hello. He was kinda a nerdy guy who I found pretty cute. I started a conversation and eventually explained to him why I was tired and tried my best to not sound mean or demanding when asking him for a seat.

He didn’t hesitate agreeing and standing up but before he could do it I managed to sit on his lap first. I’m not entirely sure why I did it as I didn’t intend to do so at first, I think my brain just worked too slow lol. I kinda panicked and asked if he minded but he answered no real quick and that was that.