Secretly watched and listened to my drunk ‘straight’ best friend [F] go down on a mutual friend [F] after a night of drinking

First time telling the full story, cant really tell anyone I know irl but I had to share it with somebody cause its too hot not to

So, there’s 3 of us in a this tight knit group for the past year or so. Me, Jessica, and Diana. Me and Jess have been pretty close for a year or so but Diana has just recently started hanging out with us. I have a pretty strong crush on Jess, I always thought she was pretty but shes always been in a relationship or dating some guy and honestly friendzoned me awhile back.

Anyways fast forward to a few weeks ago, us and some other friends (7 total) all decide to go on ‘staycation’ which means we all split a hotel room/resort where we stay and just chill and drink and go to the pool and just relax and dgaf.

Me, Jess, and Diana end up driving in one car and came up a bit later than everyone else so by the time we get there, there was only a pull out bed left and the floor to sleep on (the other 4 people went 2 to a bed, there was a bed upstairs on a loft everywhere and the another one a separate sectioned off room)