~This post is really long and you can skip to the real juicy parts starting at the ***
This happened 2 years after I graduated high school. I wouldn’t say this was common at my high school, but it also wasn’t unheard of. On the very first day of senior year, I remember walking in and seeing him and thinking he was just a new kid, I fully believed he was a high school senior. I was the first one at school most of the time because I had practice before school, so I was all alone reading in the hallway waiting for the school day to start. He walked up to me and was asking me some general questions about the school (Keep in mind I still thought he was a high-schooler the same age as me) and we made some cheerful small talk. He was so attractive, he had a very athletic body, and he was not very bulky but his muscles were very defined and he looked especially attractive because he was wearing nice clothes to teach in. He had on a blue button down – sleeves rolled up of course – and black dress pants. He was also tall, and if I had to guess I would say at least 6’1. Both his personality and looks were instantly attractive to me, and in the middle of our conversation I realized he was a 22-year old first year high school teacher. I remember my ambitious little mind was thrilled that I was 18 and therefore only 4-5 years younger than this man.