Books and Botany [MF 30s] [Con]

***All characters in this story are 18 years of age or older***

“Hey, Jerry,” I said, waving at the bookstore owner as I entered.

“Hey, Chris,” he returned with a grin.

“I get any sales today?” I asked. The answer was usually ‘no,’ but every once in a while we had a good day.

“Well,” he responded, “Not yet, but there’s a pretty young thing flipping through it at the moment. Maybe this one will bite.” Jerry was older and to him ‘pretty young thing’ was among the highest compliments he could give.

I shrugged. “Maybe, but at least it was fun to write. And I really do appreciate your carrying it for me.”

I started writing erotic stories a couple of years ago and posted them online to see how people responded. As it turned out, a lot of people liked them so I decided to self-publish a compilation. Jerry, the owner of this hole-in-the-wall bookstore called Books and Botany, agreed to sell it in his store.