That time the hot girl hit on me [MF]

This story is from nearly 20 years ago. I don’t remember the chit chat verbatim, but I’ll do my best at recreating. This may not be the sexiest story, I’ve never written smut before.

So at the time I was in my early twenties, working at home on the farm. Most of my days were spent either driving a tractor or fixing something because my dad refused to spend money on reliable machinery. The only time I really socialised was my weekly pub session on a Friday night, or a special occasion.

One such occasion was a farming conference. I was a dab hand at IT stuff which at the time (early 2000s) was a very rare thing in the farming world. My dad was running a conference and needed me around in case (read:when) shit went sideways. I sat at the back of the room at the local showgrounds hall while people dribbled on the best way to incorporate chemicals based on some method I didn’t remotely care about. Most everyone there was male and over 50, wearing their best flannel, their leathery skin testament to a life spent outside without a shred of thought to skin care.