How I got my jacket back from my ex-girlfriend [MF] [longish]

Some of the usual stuff first. English is not my first language. I’m writing this on my phone. Names are changed. I’m a longtime lurker and finally have something to tell. I have never written a story before so let’s see what happens.
When I finished the story I realized it’s a bit long so I will mark the good part if you want to skip the background information.

This is the story about me M27 and my ex-girlfriend Amy F22.

I met Amy in a theater group and my first impression of her wasn’t that good. I really didn’t liked her attidute. Kind of bitchy and annoying. But she is extremely hot. Exactly my type.

Sidenote: Guys when you are like me and you don’t have much luck at clubs and bars, theater groups are the place to be. The girls are hot and very open minded.

Back to Amy: Petite, skinny, b-cups, brown hair, a really nice ass and a beautiful face. And a smile that you can tell by she is a freak in the sheets. To get the image she looks somewhat like Ariana Grande.
And since we’re talking about the looks I should say something about me too.
I’m an average looking guy. A bit chubby to be honest, but with enough muscles to cover that up. 175 cm. (yes metric system. Seriously America get your shit together) and an ok face I would say.