My [F] second unexpected night with my [F]riend

Lynn [F] had her first bi-sexual encounter with me [F]. and another woman previously in another story I had shared.

Coincidentally Lynn moved in with a friend into my same apartment complex that year. We were still friends and never really spoke of that night. We had similar circles of friends and would run into each other from time to time.

One night I was home and Lynn texted me randomly to see if I was home. I was and she asked if she could stop by. I told her sure and got up and let her in.

Lynn’s breath smelled strong of alcohol and cigarettes, and she had that look in her steel blue eyes. The look I had seen a few times before… “Hey” was about all she could say.
She slid in past me and I turned and shut and locked the door. Not sure where this was going I poured myself a drink and asked if she wanted another. She said ok and as she was watching me pour my drink she said she never stopped thinking about the way I ate her pussy that night. I took a swig and set my glass down. I had a feeling this was going down again.

An unexpected [M]id-day work [F]uck

He caught my eye across the office, staring at me. I [F] knew that look. He wanted to devour me but we were at work and in no position to make it happen..

Whenever he looked at me like that my hair stood up on my neck and I would get flush. I sometimes would have to go to the restroom to compose myself and try to focus. We had been doing this thing off and on for a while. We had recently went on a trip to another city for work which is another story for another time but the thought of what happened those nights were enough to send my brain in a spiral of sexual thoughts of the two of us. Working together for almost 3 years as friends and co-workers, with a few sexual encounters off and on, made it increasingly difficult to concentrate at work.

My good [f]riend and my ex-boyfriend [m] and our other [f]riend, too!

It was a fall night, 20-something house party, kegs in the garage. We all had been high and drunk and this was our usual weekend party. My friend (names changed for privacy) Lynn (f) and I (f) were out having beer by the keg and she looked at me and told me how fucking beautiful I was and that my boyfriend at the time, Hugh(M), was a lucky man. This wasn’t the first time she came on to me, it was always a flirt with the two of us, we had for years. I knew that Hugh and I had already had a decent trust of each other and he wouldn’t mind me doing what I was about to do…

I leaned in and kissed Lynn. She stared at me wide-eyed and said “oh fuck” and I said you know it… and she kissed me back. We started making out in the garage and Hugh walked out. He stopped and got a huge smile on his face…

My first time being tied up, spanked, and my discovery of kinks [MF]

It was a fall day in a college town, many years ago, and I had been sleeping with my friend a few times, casually, nothing serious. We both were into going to nightclubs and did a lot of partying.

One night he told me he had a secret, a dark side, and he wanted to share it with me. Never afraid of new things, I asked him to tell me. He took me to his room and closed the door. He asked if I’d ever been tied up or played with any bondage things and I said no. He asked if I’d let him try a few things. He pulled out straps from under his mattress on all four corners. He held the ankle cuffs and told me to take off my clothes lay down. I did as he said, as I knew him well enough that he wouldn’t hurt me, and laid down naked on his bed. He turned down the lights and put music on. He took off his pants and shirt and stood there in his black boxers, wearing nothing but, and his eyes shined bright in the dark with excitement.

A skyline BJ for hi[M] and a public city park fuck for me [F]

I [F] was going through a rough divorce and a good friend and co-worker of mine [M] had been interested in me for some time but was hesitant due to the impending divorce. I always thought he was attractive and his friendship was important to me, but there were days I could barely contain myself over wanting to be intimate with him. We had flirted back and forth and sent each other dirty texts since the start of my divorce proceedings, but nothing physical had happened. We both wanted to wait until the time was right and my divorce had progressed, as neither of us were into infidelity.

We spent the day for work at a seminar downtown and had skipped the seminar lunch to go for a bite at a local pub. While at lunch we had been flirting and I finally leaned over for what would be our first kiss, which surprised us both, I think. His lips on mine and my tongue in his mouth ever so slightly was enough to make me crazy for the rest of the day. The look in his eyes said the same.