The Homewrecking Babysitter [MF] Part 2

Over the weekend I decided it would probably be best to stay late at the office and avoid working from home as I usually do once or twice a week but by Thursday my wife had noticed the change in my routine and asked if I’d be at home Friday. “Yeah that was my plan.” I lied.

“Perfect, me too, maybe we’ll let Avery go early and take the boys out for dinner?”

“Sounds great!” I answered maybe a little too enthusiastically, relieved that I wouldn’t have to face any alone time with Avery and possibly explain what I had done despite the fact she hadn’t seemed bothered by it.

When Friday came I was in my home office with a coffee before she even showed up. I opened my browser to a few stocks I was keeping an eye on and dragged them onto my wall monitor while on my desktop I scrolled through reddit. My wife typically left me alone when I worked from home. Whatever the time of day I think she pretty much assumed whenever my office door was closed that I was masturbating considering she had caught me twice in the past. Our sex life at this point was fairly non-existent, maybe once or twice a month so she never made a big deal of my private time seeming to appreciate that I could *handle* things myself.

The Homewrecking Babysitter [MF]

Last summer my wife and I decided we needed to hire a live in nanny as both of us were struggling at our high level jobs while alternating who stayed home with our 4 year old twin boys. We posted ads everywhere and only seemed to receive responses from people who clearly hadn’t read our requirements. We wanted a live in nanny with at least some experience who could both drive (we would provide one of our cars) and work late a few times a week when one of us had to stay at the office.

After about a month with no one remotely qualified my wife decided to hire the daughter of one of her work friends 8-6 to at least get us through the summer as the boys would be starting kindergarten and we would have more options then. The first time my wife introduced me to “Avery” I thought she was maybe 16 or 17 and felt more than a little weird about how cute I found her. She was petite and very pretty, looked a little like Sarah Hyland from modern family to me. She was so bubbly and full of energy and seemed genuinely excited to be getting to look after the kids.