The First Penetration

Skin to skin, flesh to flesh, when the head of my cock touches your clit, nothing else in the world matter.

There is no time, there is no space, there’s only you, and me, and this moment in our lives.

When I guide the tip of my cock to kiss your clit, it’s as if the electricity that flows within our bodies, discovered a place to meet.

Your body reacts as the head of my cock continues to make sparks down your lips.

I can’t take my eyes off this union. Your inviting lips slowly open, with each up and down motion of my rock hard cock.

The warm and wet sensation of your juice, coats the head of my cock, as they dance, a beautiful dance.

Your hips tell me you’re ready and the head of my cock separates your lips, in anticipation of exploring deep inside of you.

The first penetration is the make or break of this moment. Too slow is nothing, too fast is uncomfortable, but just right, Mmmm, just right gives you the deep stretch sensation your body yearns for, while giving me the hug I crave.

Your taste is pleasure itself

To say I would drink all of you is an understatement of what my tongue would do to you.

When my head lowers between your legs, my eyes absorbs the part of your clit, hiding under your hood, the swollen of your clit, and the shape of your amazing lips.

My nose can’t wait to smell your amazing fragrance, while sliding across your wet lips, then sliding between them.

I wish I could say I would tease your clit and lips forever, but I would be lying because my tongue would want to taste.

The torturous part is fighting back the urge to slide my tongue between your lips, and taste what’s inside, while teasing your lips and clit, with the tip of my tongue.

I know how much your sensitive clit and lips are throbbing, and pulsating with the same level of intensity as your heart, because I can feel it with my tongue, and hear it in your moan.

When I can’t take the teasing anymore, that’s right, I, not you, I need to slide my tongue deep inside of you, and swallow my first drink.

Daddy – Chapter 3, Rough Draft. Last chapter until the book is done.

## Chapter 3

On Wednesday he was back in the gym and Jessica was determined to get herself a daddy, so she waited for him to get a few sets in before she made her move. She walked over to the rowing machine in front of him, and sat on it, then looked up at him. He was doing triceps, and before he started his set, he looked into her eyes, then looked down at his weights.

Jessica started to row while she thought, “Yes, that’s one,” then focused on her weights, while trying to look at him in the corner of her eyes. After his set he moved to another triceps machine, and she went to another machine, about ten feet in front of him. While she was trying to figure out how to use it, she glanced over at him, and caught him checking her out, before he started his workout.

“Wait, does that count? I think it did,” as she awkwardly worked on the shoulder machine. “This is stupid,” she thought, “I’m going to work out on the machines by the door, and just walk out with him, I can do it.”

Daddy – Chapter 2, Rough Draft

The following week Jessica worked out on Monday and Tuesday, hoping to see him, but no luck. On Wednesday she saw him come in and stretch on the mats. He was so focused on what he was doing, while he listened to his head phones, and he didn’t look around at all, because if he did, he would have noticed her watching.

After he stretched he went straight for the bench press machine and started adding on weights. Jessica finished her set of squats and was about to walk past him, on the way to the butterfly machine. At that moment she saw him lay back on the bench press machine and spread his legs, placing his feet on either side of him. His jogger pants were loose and gravity forced them to lay down, directly on his cock.

Jessica kept her head straight, but her eyes were gauging his cock, perfectly noticeable in his jogger pants. She swallowed some saliva at the sight of the head of his cock and when she walked past him, she opened her mouth to breath, as she sat on the butterfly machine. This seat was perfect, because she could watch him bench press, and look at his cock, knowing very well he won’t catch her during his set.

Daddy – Chapter 1, Rough Draft.

## Chapter 1

Coronavirus restriction had just lifted and Jessica was eager to get back to the gym again. She hated that she gained at least fifteen pounds (or twenty, but who’s counting) during the lockdown and she was ready to work it back off. She was a twenty-two year old nutritionist at a private practice, so how good would that look for her not to be fit.

She had already canceled her last gym membership, so she decided to find a new place, that had more space, since the virus was still lingering around. The new gym was a few minutes further, but it was perfect for what she wanted.

Her new routine was getting out of work and into the gym, at least three times a week, then back into her apartment to feed Shadow, her black cat, and the only man in her life. Jessica called him that because when he was a kitten, he liked to hide in the shadow of objects, like it was his personal camouflage.

Two Erotica books will be free Saturday May 1st

The Executive Assistant – A Trip to Oz, Elizabeth finds herself in a erotic relationship with her boss, who decides to step their relationship up a notch, and take her to a place called Oz. Let’s just say they’re not in Kansas anymore.

The Weekend Escape – Two people leave their dead bedroom relationship, only to be isolated because of the Coronavirus. Now that restrictions have lifted, they both meet at a bar, where their sexual tension is so thick, you can feel it between them. What he wants to do to her can’t be done in a few hours or a single night, so he convinces her of staying with him for the entire weekend. It’s a weekend dedicated to releasing the sexual frustrations of 18 months of isolation, between both of them.

Search Antonio Copeland on Amazon ebooks. Both books will be free Saturday May 1st only. Please leave a comment or rating, and enjoy.

Erotica, guaranteed you will enjoy. The entire book was edited by a female erotica editor. The ebook is only $5.99. Read for more information.

The Executive Assistant is about Elizabeth, who works for a director in Philadelphia. A few choice words start her on a sexual journey, only experienced by few people. Elizabeth thought that when Mr. Copeland spanked her to ecstasy, that no other pleasure could possibly exist. That’s until Mr. Copeland decided to take her somewhere, that will open her eyes, and awaken her sexuality.

The writing style is written in a way that allows anyone to visually see and experience, everything they do. If you decide to read this sexual journey, please comment and rate the book.


I also just completed a second book, called The Weekend Escape. It’s about two people, Troy and Rachael, who left a dead bedroom relationship before COVID hit. Now that restrictions have lifted, they find each other at a bar, and the sexual tension is so great, that he asks her to spend the entire weekend with him, so he can take his time, and enjoy every square inch of her body. Troy has a unique condition called Hyperphantasia, that causes his senses to become hyperfocus, and his imagination to run wild. The editor will be complete next week and I will post it when it’s published.

Anal sex question for women

This is a non-disrepectful real question for a future book.

Did you first want to do anal because the guys cock was not big enough to feel that deep stretch in your pussy, but you found out that you were able to enjoy that stretch around your ass?

I’m an erotica writer, doing research.

Thank you.

Categorized as Erotica Tagged

Read my book for free, from Friday, February 26, 2021, 12:00 AM PST to Sunday, February 28, 2021, 11:59 PM PST.

Amazon allows a small free promotional window, I look forward to your honest feedback. What’s great is that I can upload any revisions, based on your recommendations, so please feel free to message me, comment, or leave an Amazon review.


Here’s a copy of the first chapter to get you started.

**Chapter 1 – The Sexual Awakening**

It started with Elizabeth’s desire to leave her hometown of Franklin, Tennessee, just south of Nashville. After a couple of failed relationships, she decided that she didn’t want to get stuck as someone’s housewife, or baby mama, and apparently, if you can think for yourself, you’re just not southern housewife material.

Elizabeth spent two years as an intern, with Redfield Investments, before she finished her bachelor’s degree in business administrations, which resulted in her being immediately hired for the assistant admin position.

Elizabeth spent the last few years trying to show her boss that she was ready for more responsibilities, but she kept getting passed over for every promotional opportunity.

I guarantee my book is hotter than 50 shades of grey, or your money back.

Warning, this book is hotttt, and will cause you to touch yourself, a lot.
