The Hyperphantasian book series, Book 1 – Forever, Chapter 3 part 2, (the final public release)

After his workout, he got to the pool, and saw Melissa smile at his direction.

That smile meant something completely different now, because it was the smile that came with the memory, of what they did last night.

Troy grinned back at her, letting her know he felt the same way.

They didn’t want their relationship to be so obvious at the pool, so he kept his flirting low, while she worked anyways, but not so low he didn’t make her smile from it.

I bet if a girl can’t help but to smile at your direction, it means she wants you, he thought.

That night she drove over to his house, left her car, and got into his car, as they drove away towards the movie theater.

She looks so cute in her t-shirt, jeans, and purse, he thought.

As they drove down the street, her perfume quickly filled the car, and his nose guided his head in her direction, as he BREATHED her in.

She was looking out the front window, and didn’t notice him looking at her, admiring her beautiful face.

Suddenly she said, “Look out,” and everything went quiet, as his head immediately looked straight.

The Hyperphantasian book series, Book 1 – Forever, Chapter 3, (the final public release)

Chapter 3 – Summer Loving

A few days later, when Troy came back to his room from practice, Lily called.

“Hey Lily, what’s up?”

“Troy, there’s something I need to tell you,” which didn’t sound too good, because it sounded like she was crying.

“What is it?”

“I’m late, I missed my period.”


“Remember when you said it was a close one, I don’t think it was close enough.”

“No, you can’t be pregnant, I pulled out, you need to be sure, did you do the test?”


“How many weeks are you late?”

“One to Two, we need to talk about this.”

“We’ll talk about it after you take the test, bye.”

Troy hung up the phone and tried not to panic, as his heart pounded out of his chest. He tried not to think about his future, of trying to support a kid, while serving in the Space Force. It’s not like he didn’t want kids, he just wanted them when he was financially ready for them, and with the person he married.

The Hyperphantasian book series, Book 1 – Forever, Chapter 3 part 2, (the final public release)

After his workout, he got to the pool, and saw Melissa smile at his direction.

That smile meant something completely different now, because it was the smile that came with the memory, of what they did last night.

Troy grinned back at her, letting her know he felt the same way.

They didn’t want their relationship to be so obvious at the pool, so he kept his flirting low, while she worked anyways, but not so low he didn’t make her smile from it.

I bet if a girl can’t help but to smile at your direction, it means she wants you, he thought.

That night she drove over to his house, left her car, and got into his car, as they drove away towards the movie theater.

She looks so cute in her t-shirt, jeans, and purse, he thought.

As they drove down the street, her perfume quickly filled the car, and his nose guided his head in her direction, as he BREATHED her in.

She was looking out the front window, and didn’t notice him looking at her, admiring her beautiful face.

The Hyperphantasian book series, Book 1 – Forever, Chapter 3, (the final public release)

Chapter 3 – Summer Loving

A few days later, when Troy came back to his room from practice, Lily called.

“Hey Lily, what’s up?”

“Troy, there’s something I need to tell you,” which didn’t sound too good, because it sounded like she was crying.

“What is it?”

“I’m late, I missed my period.”


“Remember when you said it was a close one, I don’t think it was close enough.”

“No, you can’t be pregnant, I pulled out, you need to be sure, did you do the test?”


“How many weeks are you late?”

“One to Two, we need to talk about this.”

“We’ll talk about it after you take the test, bye.”

Troy hung up the phone and tried not to panic, as his heart pounded out of his chest. He tried not to think about his future, of trying to support a kid, while serving in the Space Force. It’s not like he didn’t want kids, he just wanted them when he was financially ready for them, and with the person he married.

The Hyperphantasian book series, Book 1 – Forever, Chapter 2

Chapter 2 – First Experience

During wrestling practice, Jeremy and Troy tried their best to set a good example of what hard work looked like, while keeping the lazy wrestlers in line.

They led the team in running formations, practiced wrestling moves, and often wrestled each other, just to show the other wrestlers how hard they expected them to practice.

During the next wrestling match, Coach Carter was pleased at how well his team was doing, as they won another victory.

Notifications went out to the campus, that the WATT wrestling team, led by Jeremy and Troy, were on a dominating winning streak.

More and more people showed up to watch the matches, cheering them on, including some admiring fans.

During school, he was on his way to class, when he saw Jake walking up to him.

They hung out last year, playing video games, and watching movies in their dorm room.

“Hey Troy, you’re doing great this year.”

“Thanks, what’s up man, how have you been?” Shaking his hand, with a half hug.

“Good, hey, do you know that girl Lily?”

“No, I don’t think I do, why?”

The Hyperphantasian book series, Book 1 – Forever, Chapter 1

Chapter 1 – Something Changed

Troy was a college senior at the Wilmington Academia of Technological Training, (Try saying that three times fast) or WATT for short. He was tall, light skinned, medium build, with green eyes, and short curly brown hair.

Hints of his muscles could be seen behind his shirt, as he walked by.

When women passed him in the hallway, he noticed something different about the way they looked at him, something more than just a look.

Some of the women had this look of curiosity, which innocently started at his eyes, then worked their way down his body, before looking away. It was as if those women knew they weren’t supposed to look, but did anyways, so their heads fought to turn away.

Other women had more of an animalistic look, some even biting their lower lip, as if trying to taste him. Their look of intensity was far from innocent, more like the look of a hungry animal, which started at his eyes, and stayed there, before going straight for his bulge.

He felt like those women were trying to signal to him, “Hey you, I want that, inside of me, right now.”

The Hyperphantasian book series, Book 1 – Forever, Chapter 2

Chapter 2 – First Experience

During wrestling practice, Jeremy and Troy tried their best to set a good example of what hard work looked like, while keeping the lazy wrestlers in line.

They led the team in running formations, practiced wrestling moves, and often wrestled each other, just to show the other wrestlers how hard they expected them to practice.

During the next wrestling match, Coach Carter was pleased at how well his team was doing, as they won another victory.

Notifications went out to the campus, that the WATT wrestling team, led by Jeremy and Troy, were on a dominating winning streak.

More and more people showed up to watch the matches, cheering them on, including some admiring fans.

During school, he was on his way to class, when he saw Jake walking up to him.

They hung out last year, playing video games, and watching movies in their dorm room.

“Hey Troy, you’re doing great this year.”

“Thanks, what’s up man, how have you been?” Shaking his hand, with a half hug.

“Good, hey, do you know that girl Lily?”

The Hyperphantasian book series, Book 1 – Forever, Chapter 1

Chapter 1 – Something Changed

Troy was a college senior at the Wilmington Academia of Technological Training, (Try saying that three times fast) or WATT for short. He was tall, light skinned, medium build, with green eyes, and short curly brown hair.

Hints of his muscles could be seen behind his shirt, as he walked by.

When women passed him in the hallway, he noticed something different about the way they looked at him, something more than just a look.

Some of the women had this look of curiosity, which innocently started at his eyes, then worked their way down his body, before looking away. It was as if those women knew they weren’t supposed to look, but did anyways, so their heads fought to turn away.

Other women had more of an animalistic look, some even biting their lower lip, as if trying to taste him. Their look of intensity was far from innocent, more like the look of a hungry animal, which started at his eyes, and stayed there, before going straight for his bulge.

He felt like those women were trying to signal to him, “Hey you, I want that, inside of me, right now.”

True Hunger

You want to know what true hunger feels like, eat a juicy steak, or prime rib, then for one month, cook it everyday, and lay it right by your head. You’re not allowed to touch it, or taste it, just look at it, and smell how delicious it is, then wait another month to eat it.

This meal doesn’t satisfy your hunger, just reminds your senses on what you’ll be missing for a month.

When I’m ready to look for someone to satisfy my hunger, it won’t be a one night stand. What I want is to find someone with the same insatiable appetite that I have. She could be the divorced mom, single with kids, or single in general, as long as her appetite matches mine, then we’re a match.

The wait is worth it because what I want, is mutual trust, and no barriers between us. Condoms are great for protection, when you want a one night stand, but we all know that true satisfaction comes from energy transfer.

The First and Last Ride

My cocks hard, whether oral, or jerking me off, as you straddle it, reach underneath, and guide me towards your anticipating lips.

I’m sitting up, feeling the head of my cock, separate your lips, as you let go, and work your way down my shaft.

I focus on breathing, because this warm, wet, hug around my cock, feels so amazing, and I don’t want to cum yet.

You work me deep inside, feeling that deep stretch of pressure I give your insides.

When I’m flush with your body, you move to a comfortable position, as I brace for the ride.

You stop for a second, letting me know you found that right spot, then ride up, and down my cock.

I try not to get lost inside of you, but the warm, wet, sensation down my balls overtakes any other senses I have.

Breath, I tell myself, feeling how deep I can go inside of you.

Then you plant your feet on either side of me, and use your leg muscles to squat up and down my shaft. This angle tightens your lips around my cock and I can literally feel the precum being squeezed from the base of my cock, up my shaft, leaking onto your pussy walls.