After his workout, he got to the pool, and saw Melissa smile at his direction.
That smile meant something completely different now, because it was the smile that came with the memory, of what they did last night.
Troy grinned back at her, letting her know he felt the same way.
They didn’t want their relationship to be so obvious at the pool, so he kept his flirting low, while she worked anyways, but not so low he didn’t make her smile from it.
I bet if a girl can’t help but to smile at your direction, it means she wants you, he thought.
That night she drove over to his house, left her car, and got into his car, as they drove away towards the movie theater.
She looks so cute in her t-shirt, jeans, and purse, he thought.
As they drove down the street, her perfume quickly filled the car, and his nose guided his head in her direction, as he BREATHED her in.
She was looking out the front window, and didn’t notice him looking at her, admiring her beautiful face.
Suddenly she said, “Look out,” and everything went quiet, as his head immediately looked straight.