Reconnected with a former school bully [FM]

Hi, I hope everyone’s doing ok ❤️.

I’m a trans girl, one year on hormones. Before hormones, I was always small, feminine, and sensitive, so I got bullied a fair amount, with guys calling me gay. Ironically, I was completely straight. In any event, there was this group of guys who would torment me a lot in middle school. Even then, I was smaller than the other guys, so they’d take my lunch and make fun of my inability to stop them. One of them was named Pablo. They were all muscular, and tall, especially compared to me. I vividly remember how much I hated and feared them.

Fast forward to a few weeks ago. I’m one year on hormones, and my sexuality has completely shifted. Whereas I used to be exclusively into girls, I’m only into men, and really only into macho alpha males types. It’s been really bad the past two months.

I’ve been very fortunate that I’ve always had low T levels, so a few months ago I started being able to pass more consistently. I started using dating apps to connect with guys, and I even hooked up with a guy a few times before the quarantine.

[TM] I sucked off a guy for the first time :)

This happened two days ago, and I’m still glowing and beaming like an idiot haha.

First, a little bit of background. If you want to skip to the sexy part, I’ve highlighted it below.

I’m a trans girl in my mid-twenties (don’t come at me with weird comments or messages about that, please). I’ve been on hrt for just under 9 months. A lot of people speculated or teased be for being gay before I transitioned, because I’ve always been slim and on the shorter size (5’7″), although the truth is I was 95% into women, and maybe 5% into twinkier guys, and I had only dated women.

My reasons for transition had nothing to do with sex or dating, so when my libido completely died after starting hormones, I wasn’t unhappy. It gave me more time to focus on work and transition. Plus, I felt really awkward about where I was physically, so I don’t know that I would have been in a position to date or hookup.