Dear Neighbor (M/F)

Dear neighbor,

Sometimes I wonder: do you think about me in ways I don’t think about you? When you come to mind, for me, it’s “I hope they didn’t use our trash bin again,” or “why do we keep getting their mail” or “Didn’t they move?”

Is it the same for you? Or is it… different? More? I often wonder, dear neighbor, if you watch me in my yard; when I take the dog out and don’t bother to tie my robe all the way closed, or rush to cover the lawn chairs when it starts to rain and I forget a shirt.

Do you think of me, standing in your doorway? Water pooling at my feet, dripping of the long curling locks of dark hair that frame my face, broad chest heaving slightly having run to you for shelter? Of how the dampness might cause the thin grey fabric of my house pants to cling to my skin, letting you steal a glimpse at the outline of my cock when you think I’m not looking?

Do you touch yourself to me?

The Most Important Meal of the Day (F/M) [cunnilingus, pussy worship, light femdom, facial]

Pale morning sunlight filters through the curtains covering the window above the sink as you rinse the dregs of coffee from your mug. You hear me pad down the hallway, footsteps still heavy with sleep, and sense me behind you as you move the dishes aside and turn off the water.

My had wraps around your robe and across your stomach as I plant a firm kiss on your cheek before nuzzling the bridge of my nose into the side of your neck, depositing a string of soft kisses under and behind your ear. The warm groan that coos out of you as my other arm joins the first and hugs you firmly to my chest drips like honey in my ear and you can feel a slight pulse against your backside.

I draw my hands back on either side of your waist, briefly sliding them down over your hips before running them up the sides of your torso. My kisses along your neck become more pronounced, hungrier, as you feel my hands glance over you breasts – making sure they flit ever so quickly across your hardening nipples – before one grips your shoulder and the other pulls the collar of your robe aside, exposing the tender flesh of your shoulder.