Daydreaming [MF] [Str8] [exh] [oral]

Someone suggested that you might enjoy reading the story I wrote. I know it's got issues (mainly the tense shift early on and I'd want to flesh out some of the text), but I'm curious to see what people think. Comments and feedback are encouraged and appreciated.

I had an early morning meeting and woke up late. I rushed to get dressed and ready. I grabbed the nearest respectable clothes I could find and rushed out of my apartment without coffee, without breakfast, and made off for the train at a brisk pace. Of course as I reached the last stretch I saw the train rushing towards me. I looked at my watch. There was no way I could miss this train; there wasn't going to be another one for ten minutes and my meeting was starting in 15. "Fuck…" I muttered under my breath. Grabbing the strap of my messenger bag across my chest I took a few warm-up paces before I broke out in a run. I was almost at the steps to the platform when I could feel the rush of air blow past me as the train rushed into the station. I leaped up the stairs two at a time and booked it across the platform towards the open door of the last train car. I heard the warning bell as I was within a step of the door and made hurdled through the opening as the door closed. A few people shook their head as I leaned against the back of the train car regaining my breath. "That'll have to do for the lack of coffee…" I think to myself as I feel the adrenaline coursing through my veins.