Daydreaming [MF] [Str8] [exh] [oral]

Someone suggested that you might enjoy reading the story I wrote. I know it's got issues (mainly the tense shift early on and I'd want to flesh out some of the text), but I'm curious to see what people think. Comments and feedback are encouraged and appreciated.

I had an early morning meeting and woke up late. I rushed to get dressed and ready. I grabbed the nearest respectable clothes I could find and rushed out of my apartment without coffee, without breakfast, and made off for the train at a brisk pace. Of course as I reached the last stretch I saw the train rushing towards me. I looked at my watch. There was no way I could miss this train; there wasn't going to be another one for ten minutes and my meeting was starting in 15. "Fuck…" I muttered under my breath. Grabbing the strap of my messenger bag across my chest I took a few warm-up paces before I broke out in a run. I was almost at the steps to the platform when I could feel the rush of air blow past me as the train rushed into the station. I leaped up the stairs two at a time and booked it across the platform towards the open door of the last train car. I heard the warning bell as I was within a step of the door and made hurdled through the opening as the door closed. A few people shook their head as I leaned against the back of the train car regaining my breath. "That'll have to do for the lack of coffee…" I think to myself as I feel the adrenaline coursing through my veins.

I don't live far from my office — About five minutes by the metro. By the time the train got to the station I'd recovered and rushed out to make it to the office. I got as far as the steps when I felt my pocket buzz. Without stopping I reached into my pocket and pulled out my phone. I took one look at it and paused. It was an email from my boss and from the preview I could read:

Meeting Postponed

Hey Zach, the meeting has been moved to this afternoon…

"God damn it," I say aloud. I shove the phone back in my pocket and finish walking down the stairs. I look down the street to where my office is and sigh. That's when I notice the coffee shop sign about a block away. Without the rush to make it to the office, I might as well grab a quick caffeine boost. As I make my way to the door my stomach growls and I realize how hungry I am. I open the door.

That's when I see you.

I stop dead in the doorway. You're standing in front of me with your back turned. Your long brown hair tumbles gracefully down your back. You're wearing an off white dress with black accents on the seams. The dress clings to your form perfectly and accentuates your haunches. It hardly extends further than a couple inches past your rump before I can see the silky smooth skin of your legs. They draw my attention downward to your shiny black heels. For a moment I'm lost in a thought of running my hand across your smooth thighs. Snapping back to reality I look up to see you examining me with curiosity. Your brown eyes gaze over my muscular frame and there's a small mischievous smile on your face. Your lips are full, red, and inviting. I picture myself running a thumb along them, brushing my palm across your cheeks, holding your head and pulling it towards mine. I close my eyes and our lips brush-

I blink out of my thoughts to realize I've been staring at you in the middle of an open doorway. I flush slightly and move behind you in line looking past you to the menu behind the counter. I've been here numerous times and know the menu, but I'm embarrassed being caught lost in my thoughts. It doesn't help that I can feel my groin tightening as I start to get erect.


I shift my gaze and realize you were speaking to me. "Hey," I reply.

"Penny for your thoughts?"

"I'm uh…I'm not really thinking of anything, actually."

You smile and tilt your head slightly, "Seems like you were pretty lost in thought there. Something must have got you wondering."

"It was nothing really," I can feel my face flushing again, "Just a short day dream."

You mouth, "Oh I see…" Your gaze lingers on me slightly before turning to face the cashier. We're at the front of the line now.

I can feel my chest getting tight. You're going to be gone soon, but I feel drawn to you. I don't want you to leave. There must be something I can do to stay with you a little longer. "Can I buy your coffee?" I blurt out.

"Smooth Zach. Real smooth," I think to myself.

You turn around and study me for a minute. The silence is killing me.

"Next," the cashier calls out.

"Sure," you say with a smile.

I smile and motion us forward. "What'll it be?" I ask.

You reach up and put your hand on my shoulder leaning into me. "I think I'll have a double shot latte," You muse playfully.

"And a black coffee," I add. The cashier rings it up and I pass over a bill from my pocket. I'm acutely aware that your hand hasn't left my shoulder and I can feel you beside me. I look over at you to see you staring at me. You're definitely flirting with me. The staff hands us our coffees and we head outside. As we pass through the doorway where I gaped at you I am vaguely aware that I forgot to buy my breakfast.

"Thanks for the coffee," you say. "I'll consider it payment in full."

"Payment? For what?" I'm confused.

"For that dirty day dream you had about me."

"What? No I wasn't…I mean I wasn't thinking about anything like that. Not that you aren't…" I trail off. I'm digging a hole and I know it.

"Of course you were. What else would give you that stiffy?" You say with a sly grin. I flush again and instinctively turn a little to hide the bulge in my pants. You lean in close and whisper into my ear, "Don't be embarrassed, you weren't the only one day dreaming. You've got me all worked up." I lean away and blink with astonishment at you. Is this a joke? Is this really happening? You reach down and grab my bulge. All around us people are walking by, going about their days, oblivious to the fact that you're fondling my raging hard on. My mind is racing with questions. Why would you do this? Did you just go through a bad break up? Should I go with it? This is the stuff that you see in bad pornos, it doesn't happen in real life. Does it? Is this a big practical joke? You whisper to me again and your voice is barely above a breath. "You've got me all wet…"

Even in the hustle of the street the world seems to dim. The deafening cars and horns and bustle become a deep hum in my ears. The early morning sun streaming down on us almost forms an aura around you. The ground seems to tilt as I gaze into your deep brown eyes. I must be with you. My whole body aches for you in ways that I've never felt before. I reach my hand up and brush my thumb against your lips. They're soft and supple. I graze along them and run my hand over your cheek like I did in my daydream. Your body hasn't budged and I can feel you wishing me on. I run my hand through your hair and grasp around the back of your neck. Pulling you forward I close my eyes and lean in with my lips slightly parted. Our lips touch and there's an electric shock that travels between us. Our first kiss is soft and sweet. You taste of strawberries and it makes my stomach grumble in hunger. With passion building from my gut I kiss you again. Hard. You slowly slide your tongue into my mouth and I play with it. My arm moves around your waist and pulls your body against mine as you throw your arms around my neck. Among the faceless crowds we embrace and share our abrupt passion. In the privacy of the crowd I can feel my inhibitions and disbelief fading away.

As we break our kiss you look at me urgently. I am intensely aware of your heaving breasts and your intoxicating scent. I take you by the arm and wordlessly lead you into an alley behind the coffee shop. We find a green dumpster that hides us from view and I push you gently against it. You grab me and pull me against you. Our kiss is hard and passionate. I kiss down your neck, taking in your scent and memorizing it. I want to remember everything about this moment. My hands slide down your torso and I can feel your tight body beneath the fabric of your dress. When I reach the bottom, I slide one hand to the inside of your thigh where I can feel your juices slithering down your leg. I grin as I reach further up and discover that you didn't wear any panties today. I steadily run my hand over your lips until it's covered with your lust.

I chuckle and kneel down onto the ground. This sudden move surprises you, "What are you-"

"I didn't have breakfast this morning," I interrupt, "And I'm starving."

You laugh and reach down pulling your skirt up. I grin as I see you. Reaching around and gripping your thighs I pull myself in and bury my face between your thighs. My tongue stretches out of my mouth long and flat. I place it at the tip of your lips and slide it upwards in one slow deliberate motion across your whole mound. Your soft moan barely reaches my ears. Here you don't taste like strawberries, but you’re definitely sweet. I hungrily give you another long and forceful lick. I can already feel your nectar gliding down my chin as I reach the top. I start to probe your folds, looking for the sweet button that will drive you wild. Instinctively, you lift up one leg and place it on my shoulder. I can feel your hood recede and I flick your newly exposed clit. The moan I hear from you this time is filled with elation. For a while I content myself with making you squirm as I methodically flutter against your button with my tongue. I can feel your body getting warmer as my tongue flits against you. Just when you feel you've grown accustomed to my mouth, my rhythm changes and my tongue dances across your clit chaotically. As you lean your head back against the metal and breath heavily you realize it can't be random. The movements are have too much purpose. They seem somewhat methodical. But you can feel a rush of heat starting to build up in your loins. Whatever I may be doing, it makes you reach down and grip my long brown hair. Your hands turn into fists. Your whole body tenses and you let out a high moan. You hold your breath as the feeling of your tensing body consumes you. I can feel your pussy spasm and I eagerly suck up the flowing juices as you squirt.

Your body relaxes, and with one final hard lick, I move my head back to look up at you. Your hair is tussled against the bin. You're breathing heavily, and I can feel how weak your body is after your orgasm. I stand up and you reach down to fumble with my belt. You can't speak as you catch your breath. Finally your hands undo the belt and my buttons. My thick solid cock pops out of my pants and you happily giggle as I turn you around. You flip up your skirt, put your hands against the hard metal and spread your legs wide to receive my flesh inside your aching pussy. I press my head against your lips and take a deep breath as I feel your sweet, hot fluids ooze over my twitching member.

We both let out a soft gasp as I squeeze inside your tight hole. I press in all the way until my hips are flush against your cheeks. I slide back slowly until I slip back out. When I enter your body again, it's more forceful. Not hard, but clearly with purpose. I grip your tight waist and pull back to give you another thrust. Each time I plunge into your depths a little harder. Soon my body starts to slap against your rear, and I can see it send a ripple through your flesh up to the small of your back. I let out a grunt as I start to build up momentum. I never stop moving. On the peak of my backwards motion, I seamlessly switch back to forward, and there is no unnecessary halt or wasted movement. Our breath grows heavy as I pound your depths. I start to pull you into me as I propel my hips forward. With each lunge you can feel a wave of pleasure going through your body. Your silky insides caress my aching cock as I pound you continuously. I can feel the tingling sensation start to take hold and I close my eyes and lose myself in the maze of my body.

I reach up and grip your hair. Not forcefully, but oddly for more contact. Even inside you, on the verge of ecstasy, I feel the need to be closer in our passion. I take a deep breath and as I thrust one last time, I can feel my knees buckle as my cum shoots from inside me deep inside your body. You let out a moan as you feel my body halt suddenly and my seed glide through you. As my breath starts to slow I open my eyes and look at you. You're looking over your shoulder at me with an adorable smile on your face. Your soft red lips glisten with saliva and perspiration. I slowly pull out of you and you turn around to grab me by my cheeks. You pull my face down and give me a hard kiss. I wrap my arms around you in embrace as we share in the glory of our lasciviousness.

"Next!" The cashier calls. You turn around and head for the door. I smile at you politely as you glide pass me and out the door. As I step forward I can smell the vaguest hint of strawberries.



  1. "I take a deep breath and as I thrust one last time, I can feel my knees buckle as my cum shoots from inside me deep inside your body. You let out a moan as you feel my body halt suddenly and my seed glide through you." good to know… I always write the money shot from a chick perspective and this is the best description I’ve read from a male POV for a while. You’re right, you need to edit but it’s sweet and it has promise.

  2. I’d love to try and write it from a woman’s perspective, but I have no basis for comparison. Just like my descriptions of the female orgasm are somewhat based on observation, but mostly fantasy. Thanks for your support! I’ll take a bit more time editing my next one (as opposed to the precisely none I did for this one) before posting.

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