[M/F/Group] – Girlfriend can’t Handle Break Up

I recently broke up with my girlfriend Sarah, 21. We had been dating for three years, but over time she showed her true colors and I ended it. In simple terms Sarah was an undercover bitch, and a very fake girl. A quick example: She will hug, talk, and laugh with her “friends” she claims to hate; then when those “friends” aren’t around she will proceed to tear into them and claim how annoying they are to anyone who will listen. She gets away with it all the time due to how sweet and innocent she comes off as in public. Behind closed doors though she is as bratty and bitchy as they come. Other then myself and her own family, only two other people know her like this; her best friends Ashley and Lauren.

The break up wasn’t out of left field. It was painfully obvious it had been coming for a while. Of course Sarah said she was completely shocked and proceeded to cry. Her tears were not even close to genuine, and she even admitted as such when I called her on it. Then without hesitation she began calling me every bad name in the book. A week later, and I get bombarded with text messages from Sarah begging to work it out. I calmly explained why we weren’t a good fit together, and she again Hulked-out into total bitch mode. That put the nail in the coffin for me as far as our relationship went.

[F/Group] Sister is on Vacation Right Now

My younger sister Chelsea, 19, is on a mini vacation with a group of friends right now. They went to a beach town to hangout and rented a small townhouse. There’s about 7 of them total, girls and guys. One of the guys is a friend of mine, and he agreed to text me everything Chelsea does. I’m looking out for her to make sure she doesn’t end up in trouble, but I’m also really curious to see how she’s going to act on this vacation. She’s never been away before with just other friends, especially not guys. And forget staying in the same place together all alone!

My friend has texted me just normal stuff the last few days, nothing out of the ordinary or really crazy. Tonight though he’s telling me she’s acting pretty flirty, and is drunk. He said there all just chilling tonight at the townhouse, playing games, talking , etc. Apparently Chelsea is answering pretty personal questions, and said she would be down to go streaking. It’s mostly the guys bringing up these conversations, obviously trying to see where something goes. My friend keeps asking me if I want him to continue texting me. He says he doesn’t know if I want to hear these things, and where the nights going. I told him to tell me every single detail. I think I’m about to get a whole new look into my sister’s life, and every text I get is making me want more and more. He’s sending them every few minutes!

[MMF] – I cuckolded my boyfriend and it got way too crazy (in a good way)

Sorry in advance if anything I'm doing here is wrong. I've never really posted before or anything. Anyway I just had the craziest experience of my life this weekend, and I really need to just type it all out. So I'll start with some background information first.

I've been dating my boyfriend for almost 3 years now, and we're both at the same school. I'm Sam (22) and he's Jason (23). We're both quiet, introverted people. I'm usually known as the goodie-goodie and innocent girl by my friend group. If you want to know what we look like or any other details you can message me.

Jason and I are always honest with each other, and we know what we both like and dislike. I'm a pretty plain girl when it comes to kinks, nothing really out of the ordinary. Jason on the other hand loves cuckolding and even fantasizes about being cheated on. I'm not sure why he loves these kinks so much, but I've gotten used to it over time and fully accept it all. I've even been in an open relationship with him for a few weeks while we were dating. I only flirted with a couple of guys, danced a little, and I did eventually make out with one, but that's as far as it went. Jason loved it and it was unbelievable how horny it made him. I had a lot of fun too, and always enjoy turning my boyfriend on. I talk to him sometimes too when were having sex and pretend I'm with another guy, and degrade Jason. So needless to say cuckolding is definitely his number one kink.