X-post from /r/EroticLiterature: The Storm [solo]

It was late. The sun had gone down hours ago even though it stayed light until almost 9:30 in the middle of summer. Outside the walls of the empty house, the city slept. The sounds of cars on the street, dogs barking at people walking by, chirping of birds, even the wind in the trees – they had all died down to near total silence.

This was her time of day, well past midnight, past one, nearly two. Sleep no longer came easily and was still far off. While the rest of the world slept, she would lay awake in bed or sit at her computer in the dark. Her only company now in the dead of night was that cruel, mocking companion called memory.

Her inbox stubbornly refused to receive the emails she was longing for. Games and porn likewise disappointed, so her computer was dark. She lay awake in bed, staring at her ceiling, desperately trying to clear her mind of the memories and thoughts she couldn’t seem to escape.

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Story of a Petite Virgin – Part 2 [mf][bd]

Part 1 is here

A low moan brought Anna out of her deep thoughts. Even her gentle stroking could get him off given enough time and she didn't want that yet, not till he satisfied her burning need. Abruptly, she let go of him and pulled his boxers down to where his legs were tied to the chair.

Jay looked down at her plaintively. "Please, baby, I can't take much more of this."

"It's your turn."

"What?" he said confusedly.

"Truth or dare, remember?"

"Oh yeah, truth or dare, and please, please, please say dare," he begged.

"Well…" she teased. "Okay. Dare."

"I want you to get me off!" he exclaimed impatiently. Anna gave him a sly sideways look.

"Okay, but I get to do it my way."

"Fine, I don't care which way you choose – they're all good – I just need you to get me off!"

"Alright then, I'll even give you a blow job – that's what you were hoping for, right? – but you have to get me off first."

Story of a Petite Virgin – Part1 [mf][bd]

What follows is one of the earliest stories I ever wrote. I was a virgin when I wrote it and it's based on a fantasy I had in my early teens. The bondage is pretty light, bordering on vanilla, but I hope you enjoy it anyway. -anony

Part 2

Jay and Anna are drunk. Not sloppy, can't stand up drunk, but the "finished a bottle of Merlot instead of corking it" kind of drunk. Jay had fixed a sumptuous meal of chicken parmesan which they ate in Jay's apartment by candle light. It was their six-month anniversary and they wanted to celebrate.

"You know what I haven't done in years?" Anna asked rhetorically.


"Play truth or dare."

"Uh huh," Jay said guardedly. "And it will be a while longer before you play it again."

"Aww, come on, it'll be fun."

"Nothing good will come of it. I know couples who have broken up because of that game."

"Oh please, that won't happen to us. Besides," she said seductively, "just think about what you could make me do if I chose ‘dare'." A few thoughts did occur to him, but he still wasn't sure. "I'll even go first, if you want."