I missed lecture lab and it led towards sex with a classmate [MF]

Keeping the trend of “this was a great memory bank masturbation idea, let’s share it”. Spoiler, the sex doesn’t happen immediately after missing class, but the events that happen due to missing class eventually led towards fucking one of my classmates.

So during PT school, one day had a dentist appointment that would lead me to be coming late to class. I commuted into a city for school, so I was at the mercy of trains after my appointment, I was going to miss nearly the first hour of class. We sit in tables of two so I asked my desk mate, Danielle, if I can grab her notes and if she could run me through whatever lab stuff we did, which she agreed. I get to class, follow into place of what was being covered and went about as usual. As class was wrapping up and we were splitting for lunch, I asked if we could run through the lab stuff before the next lecture after we finish eating. Danielle said not today, but tomorrow would be easier for her, so we agreed for the following day.

Delirium fueled dare led to fucking my college female platonic friend [MF]

Short break from the recent Kelly stories, but was taking a trip down memory lane during a masturbation session and this one was too good not to share. This is one that happened in my final semester from undergrad/college, so some specifics may be lost at this point due to this taking place nearly 10 years ago. This story involves my friend we will call Beth. Beth and I became good friends in college, however knew each other indirectly prior. Beth’s boyfriend and I were high school team mates and the three of us all ended up going to the same college. Beth and I were in the same major, and lived on the same floor freshmen year. Beth and my friend eventually broke up, my friend and I drifted apart, but Beth and I stayed close.