Uncontrollable Horniness At The Hospital

I’m a male registered nurse and last summer I got out of a really suppressive marriage after 10 years. During the time I was married I was constantly belittled and berated and made to feel like I was a piece of shit by my wife. It goes without saying that our sex life was pitiful. Once a month, if that, and nothing but boring, lights out, quiet missionary.

My life l got so bad that I slipped into a deep depression, aided by my deployment to Afghanistan and the suicide of my brother shortly after I returned home. Needless to say, my sex drive plummeted to an all time low. I thought it had to be chemical. I put on a bunch of weight (200->235lbs) and became a giant slob. I started taking T to boost my energy, libido and mood, thinking that I probably had a case of low T. Nothing.

Well, I finally dug myself out of my funk over the last year and developed enough healthy coping skills to become really good for myself. So, in June I finally got the balls to leave. I was a new man! I was peppy, happy, confident and fun to be around again! I developed a libido and lost like 35lbs without changing anything.