Young trophy wife art student [MF] dives deeper into an affair and loops her friend in this time


So I expectedly had another memorable day during my lesson with Jen yesterday. I only hope everything stays drama-free and continues to be as gratifying as these past two weeks have been. When I pulled up to their house Rob was outside carrying his golf clubs to his car. We stopped and chatted a bit and he told me Jen was in the guest house. He said she had been spending a lot of time in there lately and he was glad to see her so passionate and excited about her new hobby.

Married trophy wife initiates affair [MF] for the first time with artist mentor.

I’m an artist. I mostly make oil paintings. I teach one-on-one lessons on the side both to give back to the art community and to make some extra money. About a year or so ago I met a guy named Rob at one of my openings. Rob is in the movie industry and turned out to be an enthusiastic patron of the arts. He eventually ended up owning three of my paintings and hired me to give his wife private painting lessons. Yesterday something unbelievable happened and I had to write it out.

The sessions took place at Rob’s residence in the guest house by the pool. The place was very nice. Beverly Hills, North Rexford Drive, gorgeous neighborhood, and his wife matched the setting. Jen was a surprise to me – her husband, although nice, seemed habitually disheveled and lacking in style. Where Rob was dumpy and inept, Jen seemed sophisticated, active, and hip. She was a stay-at-home wife who spent most of her time reading and working out. Recently, she had developed a keen interest in the fine arts and was excited and enthusiastic about learning how to paint. Our first few sessions were purely professional. We went over materials, basic technics, and a little art history. We definitely had chemistry and we were laughing quite a bit. There were a few moments where we locked eyes a little longer than we should have and I think we both knew it.