Got my best [f]riend of[f].

This story took place about a month ago, but I am a long-time lurker of this subreddit and I thought I’d share with all of you because of the many times you’ve shared your stories with me.

Some backstory: Kate (20) and I (21) met through a mutual friend about two years ago. The friend traded our numbers saying we’d “get along amazingly,” but later found out she did it because she was playing matchmaker. We talked to each other for a few months before meeting face-to-face. We both developed feelings and ended up having sex shortly after. It was intense and amazing, but neither of us were really ready to date the other- she didn’t want to hurt me and I had just gotten out of a serious and abusive relationship -so we agreed to remain friends. As our friendship grew stronger, so did our feelings. We have had to mask all of our affection and flirting and awful jokes with that stupid “hahaha you’re my best friend” bullshit when really, we have both been dying for round two. I met another woman and ended up in a very serious relationship; she met a man and ended up with him. Fast-forward a year and some change to now: she broke up with him a few months ago and I decided to end things with my girlfriend.