The night I didn’t plan to try BDSM or have sex with a woman (Part Two) (MFFM & Dom)

Part One

I watched the woman writhe and moan under the Dom's ministrations. It was startling to watch what he was doing, but I could tell he was very skilled. Soon afterwards they were finished, he helped her down off the cross (words I can't say I ever thought I would write), people applauded, and off she went.

He came over to me. We laughed about meeting at the gangbang night without even realizing (we met during the whipped cream licking competition). We chatted as if I wasn't standing in from of him almost naked and he didn't have a whip in his hand.

Then he asked me if I wanted to get on the cross. I must have looked terrified so he walked me over to the big bag he had on an ottoman and showed me a few things.

Knowing about my bad experience with the Dom at the gangbang night, he explained that in these situations, it's the Sub that has all the power. He told me he would start slow and gentle and be constantly checking in with me to see how I was doing. He told me I could use three words – Yellow to say I was reaching my limit, Red to say I was at my limit, and a third word (unique to people from my area) which means stop immediately.

The night I didn’t plan to try BDSM or have sex with a woman (MFFM & Dom) (Part One)

One recent Friday night I had plans to have dinner with a girlfriend. A long-standing FWB of mine, Jason (he's featured in some other posts here) asked whether I could see him on Friday night. I knew dinner with my friend could easily go for a few hours but relished the thought to forget my troubles with him. We left it that I would text him when dinner was over, which would probably be around 10pm.

My girlfriend and I had a great dinner. I hadn't looked at my phone in three hours. I went to the bathroom before we left and saw a text from Jason which he'd sent two hours earlier:

"Mind if I see if I can get a couple to meet for drinks and maybe more tonight with us? :)"


He and I have talked about this multiple times. After all, he's the one who procured a threesome for me, and joined me my first night as a unicorn at a swingers club, and was supposed to come to a gangbang night (which he still feels guilty about). But he's wanted to play with another couple for as long as he and I have talked about playing with others.

The measure of 2 lovers is how they respond when you… | Part 2 [MFM with DP, Squirting]

Part One

So now I have Andrew underneath me and Jason behind me. They start muttering about lube to each other and I know what will happen next. Even with my body being totally relaxed from the multiple orgasms I've now had, my brain is a little nervous.

Just before, I'd managed to have two cocks in my pussy (which, for the record, I'm told is generally pretty tight). But this is again new. After a bit of pressure, I was being double penetrated.

I wasn't sure what to expect – it was an amazing feeling of fullness. The guys got their rhythm and I just let myself go into the sensation of it all. I have no idea how long it is before Jason cums in my ass and he pulls out. Andrew tells me he wants my ass so he can feel Jason's cum inside of me.

Okay, sure. I don't want to stop any of that.

Jason goes to my bathroom to clean up. Andrew does his thing. It feels damn good. He is smacking my ass and telling me how much he loves my hips and ass and tells me to please never lose weight. He doesn't cum and then as Jason is coming back into my room, he asks him where there is a washcloth and towel since he wants my pussy again.

The measure of 2 lovers is how they respond when you… | Part 1 [MFM with DVP]

What is the worst thing that has ever happened to you during sex?

Have you ever had a threesome with two members of the opposite sex?

Any of you have that worst thing happen DURING a threesome?

You getting where I'm going with this? Good.

Let me break it down for you.

Jason, who I have known for over a year, has been a steady presence but infrequent lover. Jason and I have always talked about a mutual desire for threesomes. Jason happens to be bi-sexual. Or at least, he will have sex with guys when there is a group involved. I don't know if he's ever had sex with a guy on his own, but I know he and a previous girlfriend would "play" on a regular basis with another couple.

So his strong preference was for the two of us to play with another couple. I wasn't quite ready to share my bits with another woman, so he agreed to start with a man only.

We got together a few weeks ago and he told me he'd found our third – we'll call him Andrew. He showed me a picture (attractive and intense looking). Andrew happens to also be bi-sexual. He and Jason have fucked each other before.

Things I’ve literally f*cked myself with | Or why I should always travel with a cucumber [F40 Masturbation]

In the last several months I've gone on a few trips without any sex toys. Once because I rented a holiday property and it was going to be my Mom, son, a close friend and her kids, and it just seemed weird to pack a vibrator. Another time I was travelling just with my Mom and we were sharing a room. Recently I went to a family member's house and the walls are super thin.

I've subsequently learned that not having a toy is a big mistake. It leads to some pretty raunchy behaviour on my part.

I guess I should clarify that I need assistance to cum through masturbation. Not sure why but my own hands just don't do it for me. Perhaps I could find a lover who could educate me. But until that happens and I'm master of my own domain, I need a toy.

So… at the holiday property one day I found myself alone and desperately horny. I'd been on the naughty online dating site and having some great sexting exchanges and was all worked up. I rummaged around the kitchen, as it held the most promise. One washed cucumber later, I was fixing myself up quite nicely. Except the cucumber was cold. Microwaving it seemed wrong and potentially could end badly. Do they explode in the microwave? I didn't want to have to explain that one.

My lover gets a home run [M45 F40]

One of my on-again off again lovers was 45 with the cock of an 18 year old and the stamina to match. But the best difference is he had the experience to make him one of the best lovers I have ever had.

His only downfall was he was emotionally unavailable and often bailed on plans. But I was willing to forgive him given how insane our physical chemistry was.

One night I attended a sports event and he showed up to my place afterwards, late as usual. He wasn’t ready when I texted him because he hadn’t showered yet. He told me he had still needed to shave and didn’t want to show up like a porcupine. He’s one of those guys who keeps hair on his body – he trims his chest (and I love the hair on his chest) but shaves his pubic area.

I don’t let him get past the top of my stairs – we embrace and kiss and five minutes goes by before I feel like I can release him and actually let him into my living room.

It was almost 11pm.

Part Two | A unicorn walks into a swingers club [F41 / Lots of M]

Part One

Dale and Lisa knew everyone that works at the club. They were greeted by many as they arrived. Two other women they know also showed up, and we were introduced and commonalities established. It could have been any other location where friends met to hang out, if not for the naked people, porn on the television in the background, the occasional sex act on the couch, and the frequent discussion of who had a big cock or a funny sounding orgasm.

Dale was occasionally attentive and would come by and put a hand on my waist. I watched how he greeted some of the other women, obviously past or current play partners. The vast majority of people there were couples – as far as I could tell, it was only me and the other woman Dale and Lisa introduced me to that were there solo. She and I chatted about dating, being submissive, and her prior experiences at the club.

Despite downing several glasses of sparkling wine, I seemed incapable of getting anything other than a happy buzz. I eventually gave up and focussed on having water, since I had already lost a bit of fluid during our time in the private room.

A unicorn walks into a swingers club (Part 1) [F41 / Lots of M]

[Hi Readers – if you like a set up to a story, read this whole post. If not, and you just want a description of sex acts, scroll down]

I recently ended a relationship and decided become active again on FetLife (and no, you won't find me there using my name). I looked at some old messages between me and a couple "in the lifestyle". They had reached out to me shortly after I joined the site 8 months ago, and we'd talked about meeting but it never worked out. She's bi, and he's straight, probably a decade older than I, they always play together, and they are very well known in swingers circles. They have a reputation for being lovely people and looked like a lot of fun. I'm curious about being with a woman and a couple like them seemed like a good place to start.

After a moment of debate, I sent them a quick note. I told them I was newly single, interested in perhaps going to an event some day soon, and asked them to let me know when they were attending something local. Turned out, they were going to an event in a local sex / swingers club this past Saturday, and suggested I go as well. I had no child and no plans.

The dirty fucking from the dog trainer [M42/F41]

Our first date he came over to my house when I was sick with pneumonia (his choice). He’s a BIG guy. Tall (6’2″) and bulky (250 lbs)… He is just large. Literally, his hands are the largest I’ve ever seen on a man. Which makes everything else seem smaller in comparison – cock shots are not his friend. The moment I saw his hands I thought “oh, maybe his cock isn’t that small after all”.

I love a strong and tall guy and he totally fits that bill. He put me up against a few walls on my main floor, and I just grabbed on to this shoulders or arms as he made me go weak in the knees with his ministrations. The dude has got some kinks. He wanted me to play with myself while laying on the couch, and he watched and masturbated. Okay, sure. I had already had a few orgasms so I was content to do that. I know men are far more visual than women, but it still always makes me feel a little weird.

A Tinder hookup with squirting and fisting [M43,W41]

You know how to really know when a straight same-sex friend is a true friend? When they pass off a Tinder match to you. On a recent Tinder binge, she was matched with a very hot guy visiting her city. She didn’t know he wasn’t from there at first. She didn’t end up hooking up with him, because they couldn’t quite make it work. Not for lack of trying.

Turns out, he lives in my city.

She sent me Tinder man’s photo. And his requisite cock shot. She offered to connect the two of us but said he was probably a player and just looking for sex. A random hookup was not exactly what I am looking for, but since being single, I’ve been living my life taking coincidences and opportunities seriously.

We texted a bit back and forth and he asked whether I wanted to meet. We were both free on Wednesday night. Seated at the bar together, we had drinks at a pub close to my office. He’s perfectly tall (6’3″), handsome, amazing eyes, and a rock solid muscular body.