I’ll review yours if you’ll review mine.

I’ve written a short story called Twelve Maxbridge Street. It can be found FREE here:


If you will give me feedback and give me a link to your publication (reddit URL, other URL), I will review it in whatever environment you specify as soon as I get your feedback here in this subreddit. I would dearly love for you to also review Smashwords, but here in this thread is a requirement. The only caveat is that I don’t have to pay for access to your story. Negative feedback as well as positive is welcome.

I published my story in mid January, and try as I might I’ve gotten no feedback at all. I suspect a bunch of other authors are feeling the same way.

Twelve Maxbridge Street – Parts 5-7 – [humil] [romance]

This contains the three last chapters from a short story that I have published for FREE under the pen name M H Keplar. I’m publishing it here in hopes of getting some comments, positive or negative, both interest me. These chapters don’t work very well stand-alone. Minimally, 2 and 4 or 3 and 4 should be read first be read stand alone, but I think it’s better in context.





And, indeed, rest came quickly. When the handlers arrived, Faranger was hanging by his wrists, so one held him up with an arm around his waist while the other unshackled him. The handlers didn’t put on the arm restraints or the cape, nor did they let him sit down. Instead they brought his arms across their shoulders and made their way directly to a cage in the crescent of the three stations. It was about four feet high and set on a four foot high stand. A circle of lights was switched on around them. The cage was large enough to comfortably accommodate a man lying down on the padded surface, with a small leather pillow, and there was more space between the pillow and the end of the cave. “The door will be locked until morning, so, of course, you’ll have to spend the night here,” said the darker handler. “But it also prevents the spectators from touching you with anything but their hands. The sedative we’ll give you is strong enough that you should be able to get a few hours of good sleep anyway.”

Twelve Maxbridge Street – Part 4 – [humil] [pain][whipping]

This is a chapter from a short story that I have published for FREE under the pen name M H Keplar. I’m publishing it here in hopes of getting some comments, positive or negative, both interest me. Part 4 can be read stand alone, but I think it’s better in context.




As they walked toward the next station Faranger reflected that it might be a good thing that punishment was saved for last. He was getting mentally exhausted by the unremitting psychological torment, the humiliation. He thought he might feel somehow cleaned out if he faced pure physical pain. He found himself perhaps actually craving it. He stood up straighter and picked up his pace.

When they arrived at the last round table in the last pool of light, a refined looking man in a suit stood up. “Ah, welcome, Mr. Faranger.” Now, gentleman,” he said, addressing the handlers. Please disrobe him and I’ll explain what we’re about here. You can also unbind his arms.” They did as requested. This time, though, the blond caressed his genitals every so fleetingly when he reached the bottom and the men exchanged the faintest of smiles. They then gave his arms a swift one stroke rub down and left Faranger standing before the moderator and the table of associates behind him.

Twelve Maxbridge Street – Part 3 – [humil] [bondage]

This is a chapter from a short story that I have published for FREE under the pen name M H Keplar. I’m publishing it here in hopes of getting some comments, positive or negative, both interest me. Part 3 can be read stand alone, but I think it’s better in context.





The handlers positioned him facing the next table, about ten feet away and took a step back, so he could no longer see them.

A man about his own age and build, but with darker coloring approached him. He put his hand inside the cape and took hold of the tab. He let his knuckles run deliberately over Faranger’s genitals and torso as he unzipped the cape. When it was open, he slowly pushed off Faranger’s shoulders and let it fall to the floor. But he left the arm restraint in place. He remained very close and took hold of Faranger’s biceps. He closed his eyes and kissed Faranger on the mouth, a dry, light kiss. A shocked Faranger felt himself turn to liquid as the man’s tongue gently probed his closed lips. His mouth opened of its own accord, enough for the man to explore the roof. He felt more invaded than he had when he was raped. His mouth opened wider and the man circled around his tongue with his own. Faranger would have collapsed but for the support of one of the handlers below his crossed arms and the pressure of the other man’s body pressed against his. His penis became engorged, he could feel it slide against the roughness of the man’s suit until it came to rest along side the other’s erection.

Twelve Maxbridge Street – Part 2 – Violation [M/MF+] [HUMIL] [EXHIB] [ANAL]

This is the second chapter of a short story that I have published. It’s FREE. I really hope I get some feedback. Positive or negative it doesn’t matter. I’m just curious. Part 1 is advised but not necessary.


They stopped in front of a woman sitting sideways to the table in a wooden chair with stiles that reached several feet above the back. It gave the chair a little bit the look of a throne. She stood up and approached the three. She was very slim and almost as tall as Faranger. It was hard to tell her age. She had no lines, but her skin had lost some of its firmness. He figured maybe fifteen or twenty years older than he. But she was definitely attractive. Not beautiful, but arresting. Her hair was pulled back in a tight French twist. She wore a black sheath and no jewelry. She stopped about a foot away. “Remove the cloak please.” The darker handler slipped his hand up under the cloak to grasp the tab at the top, zipped it down and pushed the cloak to the floor. She looked Faranger up and down. “Ah, good. Good.” She placed her fingers at his throat and very lightly traced all the way down. A wave of contractions washed through Faranger’s torso, shifting his genitals slightly. She noticed. “Hmmm. Can you do that at will?”

Twelve Maxbridge Street – Part 1 – The Beginning [M/MF+] [HUMIL]

I’ve published a FREE short story called Twelve Maxbridge Street, by M. H. Keplar, but try though I might I haven’t been able to get any feedback at all. I’d love some! I’ll publish this a chapter a day. Lemme know, positive or negative, doesn’t matter!




He looked around his spacious, spare, perfect office. One of the perfect things was the large picture window overlooking the park across the street, just now leafing out for spring. Another perfect thing was the executive bathroom… not really a bathroom, but roomy enough for a closet and shower. Life was good. He relished his job. He had enough money to comfortably pay for a new, strange experience. And it was five o’clock, time to get ready for that experience. He stood up from his desk and went into the bathroom. A shower was required just as it was if one were going for a thorough physical. Only this time, presumably, there would be many strangers examining him.