The Work Around [M/F] [Cuckold]

The Work Around

“And this is our wine cellar.” Grace said, opening the large wooden door.

Liam looked down the small set of stairs, lit up by a single light bulb hanging from the ceiling.

“That’s so cool, how much wine is down there?” He asked.

“Follow me, I’ll show you.” Grace said, starting down the steps.

Grace had been giving Liam, Trig-Corps latest employee, a tour of their house. Being hired at Christmas time had meant that he’d been thrust into cocktail parties, business lunches, and now a small gathering at his new boss’s home. He had enjoyed the grandeur of it all but couldn’t wait for it to be over so that he could get some normalcy in his life, but a private tour from his boss’s wife was too much to pass up.

He followed her down into the cellar, ducking at the final step. Wine bottles lined the walls, some dustier than others, and a small table sat at the far end of the room.

“Wow, that sure is a lot of wine.” Liam remarked.

“Do you know much about wine?” Grace asked.

My Son’s Not Home.

Not home.

It wasn’t until the doorbell rang a second time that it actually registered with Mia. She had been playing Dark Souls for two hours now, slowly creeping her way through No-Man’s Wharf. She found a safe corner of the level and put the controller down, praying that nothing would sneak up and kill her.

Mia rushed to the door and threw it open, finding Dale, her son’s friend, standing on the other side.

“Dale, how are you?” She asked, looking back to the television to make sure she was still alive.

“Good, is Grant home?” Dale asked.

“No, he was held back at work, he won’t be too long.” Mia said, turning back to him.

Mia’s stomach fluttered with excitement when she saw Dale staring directly at her chest, in her distracted state, she had forgotten what she was wearing. Whenever it was this humid, she would walk around the house in a sheer white top and her panties. There was no point overheating when it was just her home most of the time. [](

The Trip: An Innocent Car Ride Turns Filthy. [M/F] [hotwife] [Cuckold]

“How long until you’re ready?” Mark called out.

Jan had just returned inside after packing her suitcase into the car. It wasn’t a long drive, but they were going to be camping for over a week, she needed a lot of things.

“I’m packed, just waiting on you, slowpoke.” She said, slapping his ass firmly. “Car is getting full though, I had to put my suitcase and sleeping bag on the back seat.”

Mark turned around and looked at them with confusion, shaking his head gently.

“You know we are giving Ken a ride too?” He asked.

“We are? He’s never going to fit.”

“Don’t worry, we will work it out.” Mark said, confidently.

As if on cue, the doorbell rang, and the three of them walked to the car to inspect how much space remained.

“Yeah, I don’t think this is going to work.” Ken said shaking his head. “The suitcase takes up almost all of the back seat.”

“What if it was standing up in the passenger seat?” Mark offered.

“Well, that would work, but it still only leaves one seat.” Ken said, “There’s still two people to fit in.”

Domestic Discipline Chapter 2 [M/F] [Femdom] [Spanking]

William woke early the next morning, they had both fallen asleep soon after their intense session last night. He grabbed his dressing gown and walked through the house to start making coffee, walking past the massage table that had seen so much action last night.

He still couldn’t believe what had happened, the look in Jen’s eye, the strength of the orgasm that she had given him. William reached back and felt the skin of his backside; it was still a little bit tender but nothing like last night, a prickly sting covering both cheeks.

His cock reacted to the sensation by becoming semi-hard. Even though he was still in denial about how much he enjoyed the pain that Jen had dished out, his cock told him all he needed to know.

His hand ventured further back as he gently felt his own asshole, wondering if it would be sore after Jen had fingered him so vigorously. There was no pain, only a slight tickling and a want for Jen to explore that area more.

William made it to the kitchen and began his morning ritual of coffee making. Grinding beans, frothing milk, trying to achieve the perfect pour; he usually did quite well, but not this morning.

Domestic Discipline. Part 1. [M/F] [BDSM] [Fdom] [Spanking]

Domestic Discipline.

A Journey of Male Submission.

“I want your pants around your ankles as soon as you get home.”

A loud bang rang out through the office as William dropped his fork onto his desk, completely shocked by the text that his wife had just sent him. He quickly glanced around, making sure that no one could read his phone, finding everyone else in the office engrossed in their own business.

Electricity ran through his body as he read the message again, simultaneously excited and terrified, as he quickly replied.

“Why? What did I do?”

Within seconds his phone lit up again. Jen simply sent a picture of his dirty coffee cup, sitting in the sink. He was in a rush this morning and forgot to wash it before leaving, and that was enough for Jen to instigate a punishment.

They had been together for more than six years, but in the last two weeks, their dynamic had changed completely. It only took one incident, a seemingly innocent event, that had changed their relationship forever.

Milking Assistant [M/F] [Lactaion] [Femdom]

**Milking Assistant**

Jack walked through the large glass doors of the office building, swiped his access card and called the elevator. He scrunched his face up as he sipped at his coffee; he was still trying to find a decent café close to work.

Jack had moved to the city just over two months ago, taking a well-paying I.T job with Trig-Corp. It wasn’t anything glamourous, but it paid a lot better than his last position and gave him the freedom to explore a new city.

His shy personality wasn’t particularly conducive to making new friends, but the office had slowly warmed to him, inviting him out to drinks on a regular basis. He’d made new friends; he enjoyed the work.

He just couldn’t find a decent coffee.

“Jacky-boy!” A voice called from behind him, just as the elevator door opened. “How was your weekend?”

Vince had become a good friend to him. He was loud and energetic, but he had a certain charisma that drew people to him.

“You know the wicked witch of the west is back today, yeah?” Vince said, putting a hand on his shoulder.