[FM] Update: Best Friends Dad and I have Awesome Vanilla Sex

So I guess this is part 4.  Still dont know how to link in mobile, so let me know if you do.

As per my last update, my best friend’s dad (Brent) and I decided that it would be appropriate for us to hook up occasionally.  Then we did nothing about it, but that quickly changed.  This is that story *dum dum*.

NYE.  I couldn’t care less about it.  Went about my day as usual, was hanging out in bed around 9 pm.  I fully intended to be asleep by 11.  Brent pops his head in, Kevin (his son) called him and he wanted to say hi to me too. The 3 of us chatted for a bit, and said our good nights.  Its 10 pm.

Brent teases me for being an old lady, I tell him if he lets me take a nap, I’ll wake up with him for midnight.  So I fall asleep around 10:30, my alarm set for 11:45.  I get up, groggy eyed, to join Brent in the living room.  He pours me half a glass of red wine and we watch something, I honestly dont know what.  I was still waking up when midnight hit.  I gave Brent a hug and a kiss on the cheek, not trying to push boundaries. He kisses my cheek too, and suggests we hang out in his room with the bigger TV.  He asks if I’m okay with going a bit further tonight, and I agree.

[FM] My Best Friend’s Dad and I – Update

(Is this how people do updates, or should I be adding this as an edit to my previous story? Regardless, there’s no sex in this story, just an update.)

I grew a pair (of ovaries) and brought it all up to Brent at lunch today.  I told him that I’m sorry if I took things too far but that I had fun, and I was not opposed to repeating the other night, or going further.  Brent echoed the same sentiments, but told me that he’s having a hard time crossing the line.  He has always treated me like his own child.  And while I have a very present father of my own (you all really thrive on daddy issues), Brent has always been like father number 2.

[F]26 [M]53 My Best Friends Dad and I

There’s a lot of back story that I’m going to skip, but can cover in an additional post if you all are interested. Long story short: my best friend since childhood grew up as an only child with a single dad. My friend (M26, Kevin) moved in with his boyfriend back in March, and I moved in with his dad at half cost rent to save money during the pandemic. Dad (M53, let’s call him Brent) is amazing. Hard worker, devoted father, just an all around good guy. Who took the pandemic as a chance to work on himself, and lost 20 pounds.

Things were pretty normal at first. I grew up with Brent as a father figure, and so I didn’t think anything of him at first. But somewhere around the beginning October, the lack of sex kicked in, and I found myself lusting, hard.

I decided it would be wrong to act on this, I couldn’t do that to Kevin. But that didn’t stop me from dreaming. Dreaming turned into teasing – walking around with just a towel on, never wearing a bra, harmless stuff like that. After a day of teasing, I’d make myself cum over and over, imagining that it was Brent’s fingers instead of mine.