I [M22] hate [F]ucked my childhood girlfriend after many years

I felt like sharing a story of an old flame of mine. This is something I’ve wanted to get off my chest for awhile. I’ve made an alt account for this as tons of friends know of my actual account so i’d rather keep this as private as I can. However there are some remedies with this which I’ll get into.

This story happened a long time ago and I feel like sharing it here. The backstory is pretty important and long but if you want the juicy stuff just skip to the line -> ___________

# –Part 1: Angel–

Starting in elementary school I had a a very close friend… For the sake of privacy: Let’s call her Angel. She was a beauty even at a young age. She had a mix of black/white skin, Long curly hair and Bright blue eyes. We were very close through many years. We shared almost everything together growing up: Stories, Games, News, and anything that happened in school. Basically we’d hang out all the time and they were great starting school memories. We knew our friendship was greater than just ‘Friends’ when one day, during a big test, Angel and I were in a back room together alone. We were both in a Special Ed type class so they had to separate us from the rest of the actual class. I remember we made a promise to stick together no matter what happens in our future lives. It was quite emotional but we were just kids back then but it was a promise I’d never forget… although looking back on it… it did not hold up today.