[MF][MFF] My First Love

First off before we begin, this is the first time I have tried to write a sexy story. And while it is a story, it’s also a pretty accurate account of my first adventures in sex and love. I have not given people’s names and omitted some events. This took place earlier this year, somewhere in the UK.

# My First Love

I was a late starter to dating as a 39 year old guy. I had always been sexually interested in women but massively lacked confidence, due to two main body image issues, I have been obese ever since I was a teenager, and I’m a little on the small size in the trouser department, both caused bullying at school which made me think that girls would never be interested in me, so I never bothered asking them, and I never got approached either. Being a bit shy and introverted didn’t help either. I had always been pretty horny, but as a nerdy computer loving teenager in the mid-nineties, I was in the first generation to be brought up on internet porn, so I curbed my hornyness in the normal way, and tried to convince myself that I was asexual as I couldn’t bring myself to be naked in front of anyone and that girls will just not be interested in me.