A half-elf girl born between a human father and elven mother. Half-elves are persecuted by both humans and elves, and she was no exception to the rule. Since losing her parents when she was little, she’s lived by herself, relying on no one until now. She has a prideful, moody personality and is easily swept by emotion, but she also has a sensitive and kind-hearted side. It troubles her that she gets overly emotional and ends up hurting others.
When she was attacked by monsters near the religious nation of Lescatie, she was saved by Sasha. She was then taken back (a bit coercively) and has since ended up living with at the church where “you” and Sasha live. She’s an expert archer who is great with magic, which she can concentrate into arrows and shoot. Partly due to recommendations made by “you” and Sasha, she became a soldier of the Order. Right afterwards, she received the blessing of the chief god and awakened as a hero.