Work Related Fiasco

The sexual tension with my boss at work is unparalleled. She will bend over in front of me daily and always has that “fuck me” look in her eyes.

Well the other day, after everyone else had left she asked me to stick around to talk for a few mins. I couldn’t think of anything I might have done lately to warrant a meeting, but agreed to stay and chat. She came out of her office with a big purse in hand and said, “There are some toys in this bag and handcuffs at the bottom. I have seen the way you look at me, and we are going to get this over with finally.”

I smile but don’t say anything in reply. There isn’t a blindfold in the bag, so I take my knife out and cut some of shirt to make one. Then she gets the handcuffs. I took my belt off and put it around her next then made her crawl toward the basement stairs. There I picked her up and carried her blindfolded and cuffed cute ass down the stairs.

Categorized as Erotica

A Night Out With The Girlfriend

You are at the bar, two drinks as you tip your bartender and turn around to see your girlfriend dancing with another guy. You slide into the crowd and decide to watch on and see how things unfold. She looks toward the bar and doesn’t see you, then she leans in and says something him. Next thing you know, she is lifting up her dress grinding on him…and you are pretty sure he has his cock out, or in her really. You text her, “Hey babe, I got sick and am getting an uber home. Enjoy the party and congrats on your promotion. Sorry babe, must have been something I ate :/ ” Before leaving, you see her reach for her phone and figure she got your text, but really she is just taking a selfie while getting pounded on the dance floor. But wait, she seems to see your text and a big smile comes over her face as she pulls her ‘dance partner’ in before disappearing from the floor.