[MFF] From Sister in Law to Slutty Wife

From Sister in Law to Slutty Wife

“Off to work,” I chuckled to my wife as she pulled away from the garage.

“Yeah, yeah you jerk.” she replied. I waved at her as she backed out and then closed the door. I had already set up my computer on the work desk. Sure the pandemic might have destroyed all of last year but at least my position changed to permanently work from home. I guess not bored employees are productive employees.

“Hi Johnny,” I heard behind me.

“Oh hey! Good morning. Heading to work?” I responded to Yvonne, my sister in law.

“Not today, I called out. Mental health day, I want to just take a day to myself. I’m still not over everything that happened. Maybe today will help.”

She moved in about 4 months ago after her relationship with her fiance ended badly. Without anywhere to go we offered our extra room for her to crash until she was ready. Which would take extra long since her ex fiance was in upper management at her job so she quit. So is life. The first few weeks she was a sad mess but lately she seemed to be doing well. Well since the incident.