By very popular request, my one and only [f]umble with another girl.

It was at a summer house party, one or maybe two years after I graduated. Usual thing, loads of people, loads of drink, a house with a huge, dark garden, late at night. I was there with a guy but to be honest, I can’t remember who it was! Kinda says all you need to know about my love life at the time.

Late in the evening, on a bench down the end of the garden, sharing a spliff with my good friend Rose and her housemate Paula, who I knew quite well from parties and the pub though we’d never been close. Rose went back towards the house, for more drink or more weed, or maybe just to dance, I don’t remember.

Paula and I were left on the bench, smoking and giggling about nothing in particular. As I handed her the spliff she took my hand and held it, just lightly, as if she wanted to ask me something. I remember turning to look at her, our faces quite close, ready to ask if she was ok. She held my gaze and I suddenly knew she was going to kiss me. I wasn’t too surprised, I knew she’d had relationships with girls in the past.

An old story – closest thing I’ve ever had to a threesome. [mf]

This is a story from the year after I left university. It’s the closest thing I’ve ever had to a threesome.

I’d been invited to a house party in a big shared house in Putney, where lots of my friends lived. I was single at the time but there was a guy at the party I’d slept with a couple of times, in a friends-with-benefits kind of way. Let’s call him Paul (for the sake of argument).

Paul and I hadn’t had sex for a few weeks and I wasn’t sure it would happen again – though I was hoping it might. The party went on with lots of laughing and dancing and we chatted a bit, always with others nearby so there were no clues whether he had sex on his mind or not.

I’d been half hoping we might end up going home together, to my place or to his, but it got late and it was clear that lots of us were going to end up staying over, as we often did after parties in those almost-student days.

[M]y [f]antastic Saturday alarm clock.

This was from this morning – but the same thing (or something like it) happens about three times a week. I am a LUCKY girl!

I'm asleep on my left side, my back to the boy. Though we always fall asleep tangled together, we usually separate in the night. When I'm asleep I like to face the outside of the bed.

He turns towards me and gently slides his arm around my body. I'm half awake as his fingertips stroke me with an impossibly light touch – so gentle I can hardly feel it, as he moves them up my legs and over my stomach. I wake a little more and nestle back against him, feeling the heat of his body against the length of my back.

His fingers move up, exploring the shape of my breasts. He still moves slowly and gently, his fingers sliding past my nipples and eventually brushing over them, sending a lovely rush of warmth down between my legs.

I'm fully awake now, my breath coming fast and shallow as I push back against his crotch and feel his cock hard against my bum. I part my legs slightly and he moves his hand down between them, stroking my thighs for a moment before sliding a finger gently between my lips.

[m]y [f]irst date with my Boy. By very popular request! (long)

About 20 people have asked me to tell the story of my first date with Boy (mentioned in my halloween story). So here you go – remembered as well as I can! The Boy says it’s pretty accurate! We hope you enjoy it!

I actually used the line "I thought you were meant to stop me getting all wet." I actually said it. I still cringe to this day. God knows how we're still together.

It was our first date. Our very first meeting. Until a few hours before, we had no idea that each other existed. Looking back eight years later, it seems unbelievable that there was a time that I didn't know my Boy.

It was an amazing first date. We went to a bar and then another bar, we talked and laughed and danced a little and at the end, sometime around midnight, we walked back along Oxford Street through the muggy London night.

His hand was warm in mine and I felt safe and companionable walking by his side. And I fancied him for sure – I'd watched him dance a little and admired his body – but I wasn't thinking about sex. I was 23 years old and I'd never had sex on a first date… it had gone well, but I had no plans to take it further that night.

A hot [m]oment in the bathroom of my [f]friend’s Halloween party.

So I thought it was about time to make my first post – hope you like it! I've been writing sexy stories for years – mostly I write down my fantasies but this one is true – it's just a quick description of a very hot moment at a Halloween party last weekend. There are plenty more moments I can write about if you enjoy this one! Ax

So, last week my friend Lisa says he has a totally excellent plan for ‘sexy stormtrooper’ costumes for Halloween. She’s a massive star wars fan. I am too! Anyway, she tells me what to buy and says she’ll come round on Saturday to help us dress up. I buy the stuff and I’m pretty excited – she’s great at costumes!

Saturday comes and away we go; we banish my boyfriend from the room and get stuck in with the leotard, cardboard and body paint. Anyone who's hopping this is about to be a lesbian story – sorry guys! My single lesbian experience is well behind me and not worth commenting hehe!

With everything in place, we look pretty hot in a girl-geek kinda way. We finish the Prosecco and set off for the party with my Boy following along.