Halloween 2; Part 2 [M]

The little familiarity I had with the venue was enough for me to have at least a vague idea of what I wanted to do. Can’t say I’m a master at decorating so it quickly humbles me for how critical I was of them last year but nonetheless I get them done a few days before the party. Her family was home this time and frequently checked on how it looked so we didn’t get a chance to do anything with her mom constantly asking if I wanted something to eat or drink and her dad and sister making suggestions about what would look the creepiest. Nevertheless, the night came quick and given how raunchy her texts had been since the night in the salon, she was just as ready to go as I was.

My roommate, who literally gives -1 fucks, decides to take his sweet ass time so we get there about an hour past fashionably late. He’s dressed up as Zoro this time and I show up as Han Solo. We’re greeted by a couple of strangers drinking beer in the kitchen. Already I feel like there are more people here than last year. A big part of me thinks “Good. More chances someone will hear us this time.” We walk downstairs and my feeling was right. The place is alive with music, dancing, beer pong, a fucking fog machine and a couple of guys getting their own swerve on making out with unidentified heads in slutty costumes.

Halloween 2; Part 1 [M]

So I know this follow-up story is long overdue but the holidays along with a new job and new apartment hunting, it’s been a little too crazy for me to sit down and write it out. But here it is. Halloween Pt. 2.

Last we left off, my one-time nerdy lover was at my door inviting my roommate and I to yet another Halloween party. My newly single sex friend and her company exchanged numbers with us and we began talking. Per someone’s idea, I volunteered us to help with the decorating and such, much to my roommates chagrin. Needless to say though, at least two of us were excited about it.

It didn’t take long for her and I to bring up the previous year as well as other intimate details about fantasies ever since. Being the tease she was, however, she refused to show me any parts of her luscious full body until the party. Instead, she invited me over to her place of work one night to talk about the decorations. Apparently I wasn’t the only one who found her house a little lackluster but I attributed it to my high standards as a lover of all things horror. She helped run a salon that was owned by either her mother or her father’s mother, I honestly can’t quite remember. The parking lot was mostly dead despite it being located in a shopping center so you can imagine the things I had running through my mind at that point.

That one ti[M]e I helped her cheat last Halloween

Yeah yeah, I know what you’re thinking. This probably involves some slutty costume and you’re right it does. She and her boyfriend had matching costumes on too which didn’t make me feel better about doing it. “Pretty scummy there, man”.

Anyway, at the time I had just relocated for business. Change of states would do me some good, I thought. Less than a month I’d been around and I felt pretty optimistic about being invited to a Halloween party hosted by the friend of my roommate’s friend. On such short notice, I threw together a pretty decent lumberjack costume (thank the flannel gods) and was stoked about meeting new people. Despite my optimism though, I tried my best not to expect anything considering I would’ve been perfectly fine with binging on gory horror films and eating some candy that night.

As soon a there, I immediately wish I’d chosen the former option. The party was being held in a basement occupied by less than 10 people surrounded by what seemed like last second decorations and realistic-ish looking figure of Jason and a random gargoyle statue. My roommate and I immediately look at each other and shared the unspoken thought: “LAME”. But we were there and tried nonetheless to make the best of an underwhelming situation.