When my mail carrier [F] delivered [M] more than the mail.

About twenty years or so ago I was living and working in Mill Valley, CA, a pretty town not far over the Golden Gate bridge from San Francisco. I lived in a small house on the outskirts of town, alone, having not long ago split after an especially lousy marriage.

I originally came to the area after living further south, in Silicon Valley, but as more people came and I developed a reputation I moved north. I’d built and sold a company and done well financially. While thinking about building another I was working as a consultant with various startups so had a super relaxed schedule.

Each day, Rebecca, the local mail carrier, would bring the mail. I smoked back then and, one day, she saw me outside and asked me for some water. I got her a glass and she sat down to have a smoke with me, taking her break on the stoop of my house and talking. She was cute in a plain way, a hispanic with a little extra meat on her bones; not skinny but definitely not fat either. She had big breasts, dark hair, and brown eyes.

[MF] Instant Attraction on a Plane M[38] and F[25]

I wrote this as a comment to this story:[https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/jrw1f6/mf_airport_hook_up_after_flight_m36_and_f25/](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/jrw1f6/mf_airport_hook_up_after_flight_m36_and_f25/)

I didn’t really think there was enough there to justify its own post but a redditor suggested I write it up separately, as a more detailed post, and let the community decide.

I’m American, regular white Jewish guy. At the time I was in my late 30s. I’d been sent to India to work with a team of offshore programmers. That was kinda’ a drag because I thought they’d then fire all of us back home but, as I spent time there, realized that wasn’t the case; they were trying to extend to a 24-hour schedule w/ the Indians working during the night and the Americans the day, taking advantage of the time difference. Though, I digress…

Coming back from India to LA are long flights. There’s one flight from India to Germany then another from Germany to LA with a stopover in between.

I prefer window seats because I think it’s easier to sleep. On the flight from Germany to LA, I was seated next to an attractive German woman in her mid-20s. I fly enough to know not to be a creeper plus, by then, I was pretty burnt out from the first flight and the nonstop work.