A village in need and a risky bet (medieval fantasy fiction with sexual elements) please read and give your thoughts, im new to this

Korin had left to the east to help repel the attacking force of Carcosan’s, this left his village undefended.
“Things are more peaceful here without his nightly feasts and merriment, but we needed him to defend our home” said Orik the village leader. “Well what would you have us do, i can train the villagers to repel an attack, but it wont be enough” said Torn one of the few fighting men left in the village. “yes, i’m aware” snapped Orik, who was usually soft spoken “we need a wall, one made of stone and wooden spikes” he continued
“Aye, its a good idea but a wall surrounding our whole village” questioned Brodri “that would take two years at least, and winter is upon us” he continued. “I know, but we must do something, anyone have any better ideas” Orik said scouring the room with his one eye “silence, its decided then, Lorik, my blood brother send a message to the neighbouring towns using your ravens, we need a builder” Orik said standing up from his wooden thrown.
“and what of our dear lady Annette” a drunken voice boomed from the back of the room, it was Rollo the towns smithy “surely she will feel cold in that big empty bed of hers, given her husband is away fighting” Annette threw her cup across the table towards the fat drunkard. “enough” Orik bellowed again his volume out of character “Rollo, Korin would have your head for that kinda of disrespect” he said with a stern commanding voice, his eye then turned to Annette before looking down towards his feet “but…by rights in Korins absence one man per week may claim her, as is our way” Annette said nothing but looked at Orik with a icy cold glare.
“well, what if i want her then” an almost shrill voice said from a dimly lit area of the room “Loch, how long have you been here” Orik said growing increasingly annoyed by the scene “me, oh long enough to hear you announce bed right” Loch snivelled. “you, HA” shouted Rollo “you could barely satisfy a chicken with your tiny cock, she needs a thick broad sword to penetrate her, not a letter opener” the room was filled with laughter all found humour in Rollo’s words, except Annette. “would you challenge me Loch, a fight, you win and i let you have her” Rollo said standing up spilling his drink. Loch was silent, even in his drunken state he would surely pummel Loch, so he soon retreated back to the shadowy part of the room. “i grow tired of this” Orik said rubbing his eyelids “Annette you will go to bed with Rollo, and tomorrow we will talk more of this wall and a builder” The meeting ended and everyone headed towards their bed chambers. Rollo slung his arm around Annette as he guided her to his room.
Rollo closed and locked his door behind him “Now lets get to business…” he said stumbling forward “ergh, lets get this over with” Annette snapped pushing him onto his bed. Annette unfastened Rollo’s belt and began to pull his breeches down. “What do you think of that then aye” Rollo said eyeing up his own member “hot iron isnt the only thing im good at pounding haha” Annette angry expression was interrupted when confronted with his size. As long as her forearm and thicker then any sword handle, it was certainly larger then her husband Korins but she told herself she would not show any enjoyment. She places the tip of his cock against her lips and discreetly sniffed. He smelt musty not like the smell of mint and cloves she was familiar with when pleasuring her husband. However she couldn’t help but feel a little weak at the knees at his musty scent, sure he smelt like coals and sweat but he also smelt…manly.
Before she knew it Rollo had grabbed the back of her head and began pushing her repeatedly down onto his cock “uhh fuck you’ve got a mouth like a posh whore Ann-e” Rollo said. Saliva poured uncontrollably from her mouth, she found it hard the breath she tried tapping him on the leg, when that failed she reach for a pillow and threw it up towards his face and he finally stopped.
Looking up at him she saw his drunken smile “liked that didn’t ya” he grinned giving her a swift slap across the face while still gripping her hair. Annette was still fierce and spat in his face “oh its like that” he said. With his large callous hands he grabbed her by the arm and pushed her down, bending her over his table. “just…make it quick, and dont cum in me” she demanded. Rollo didnt say anything and pulled her gown up and over her waist revealing a small but perky pale round ass. “thats quite the bush, has Korin really been gone that long, or does he like his whores hairy” Rollo laughed thrusting his cock inside her. Annette couldn’t help herself and let out a moan of pleasure. “oh i do like a hairy cunt” Rollo said.
As much as she wanted this to be over, she couldn’t deny she missed the feeling. Whenever she would get lost in pleasure she reminded herself of Korin and snapped to. She squeezed her muscles tight hoping to speed things up, it worked “oh gods” Rollo said with a exhausted gasp of air. She took no chances and pulled his cock out from inside her and stroked him letting him drip out a few white pearls of cum onto her bushy pubes. Rollo slumped back onto his bed and before Annette could even curse his name he was asleep.
By now the whole village was sleeping Annette crept naked, clutching her clothes to her chest and made her way to the hot spring behind the great hall. There she lay naked in the warm waters in the hopes the water would wash away what Rollo had done. She looked down at her pubic hair and the perverted voice of Rollo rang in the back of her mind. She pulled out her knife and began to shave away her hair. As she continued shaving the frequent touching led her to feel sensual and turned on. She dropped her knife in the water and explored her body with her hands. She Let the warm spring water drip from her fingers down her breast and she watched on as the droplets of water caressed her nipples. Her fingers soon ventured south and she began rubbing herself. She continued on and on growing close and closer then her body quivered and her breaths grew sharp until a exhaled moan of pleasure as she reached her climax.
As the water calmed and she collected herself she continued relaxing in the water. Suddenly she hears a snap “who goes there” she shouted grabbing the knife and standing to face the noise. She looked into the darkness and eyed a figure behind one of the stone benches “Loch you coward, come out” she demanded. “my lady my apologies but i heard the way he treated you and just wanted to check on your well being” Loch said in a quiet and almost cowering tone. “thats…thank you im fine” Annette said “what do you care anyway, you would have done me the same” she said pointing the knife towards him. “oh dear Annette you know thats not true, you know i have always loved you…” he was interrupted “enough, my love belongs to Korin, you can have your turn in a week, you filth” Annette snarled
“A…a proposition my lady” said Loch with a spark of confidence “Allow me the pleasure right now, in these springs and i will promise that not only will the wall be built in half the expected time but it will cost the village nothing” he bent down extending his arms as if to bow. “We dont even have a builder” said Annette “true but i have some connections, i promise my lady, an oath i make to you” he said. “fine but no sex, Rollo he…i will use my hands and nothing more, it will be more then you could ever get without paying either way” she said lowering the knife. “very well, so long as i can paint your beautiful breasts as the spring water did” he said, “ergh, fine” Annette said with disgust
Loch scurried over like an exited puppy pulling at his clothing as he went. As he reached Annette he was already naked and erect. Annette looked at his member, no more then my small finger she thought. She rolled her eyes and took it in her hands. No sooner as she pulled back his foreskin “oh shit” he said as he came on her chest surprising Annette. “oh fuck, can we try again” Loch pleaded. “a deal is a deal Loch, now leave me alone” Annette said pointing towards the village.
The next morning Orik called a meeting. “Loch, has found us a builder and he will be arriving shortly” Orik stated. The people in the room tried their best not to look impressed while Annette stood frowning at the ground.
The builder entered, a tall, broad and muscular man, he had long brown hair tied in a plat adorned with gold rings and a thick beard. ” i hear you need a wall” he said slamming a toolbox on the table. “yes” said Orik “what do you charge for your service”
“uhh no charge per say, just three things if you dont mind, you see someone told me of a beautiful woman who lives in this village and i thought, if shes half as pretty as the stories, i would marry her” he said scanning the room “ah that must be her, how’dya do miss…” Annette stature did not change, “her name is Annette” Orik said “and she belongs to another”
“ahh but ive studied your customs and if agreed by contract marrying me voids her current one no?” The builder said with confidence “what do you mean our customs, are you not from here” said Brodri with a suspicious gaze. “never mind that, am i right or wrong” the builder said “leave us, we must talk” Orik said pointing towards the door. The builder left and they began to converse. “i will not be married against my will. i do not agree to it” Annette said gritting her teeth. “no one expects you to do that Annette, but we must have this wall” Orik said. “well i have an idea” Loch said squeezing past Brodri to get to the table. “you see i spoke to our builder earlier and he said it would take three years to build” Loch said “we dont have that long” Orik stated “exactly, look i know his type the moment he laid eyes on our dear Annette he had to have her, so i propose we accept the deal” he was interupted “no” shouted Annette “but…he must do it in half the time, hell in one year, it would surely be an impossible task, he works for a year and leaves empty handed, then we finish the wall ourselves” Loch finished up his speech proudly holding his head high
“it sounds good” Orik said “you cant be serious” Annette argued “the builder will not finish the wall in a year, you are safe my lady” Orik said confidently. The builder was called back in and Orik stated the new terms “agreed” said the builder “and the other two things” said Orik. “oh uh, a sword and uh, that book” the builder said seemingly picking at random.
Orik’s eyebrows grew narrow with suspicion “very well, we swear an oath on this golden arm ring, an oath unbreakable” Orik said showing a shining gold arm ring to the room. “now builder, gather your materials, your year starts tomorrow.
To be continued in Part 2 the final part.