(PART 3) I [M] worked as a busboy at the hottest sorority [F] house on campus

Thank you to everyone who has personally reached out to compliment my past stories, and apologies for such a long wait for the next entry! I was moving across the country and it’s been difficult to keep up with everything, but I’m finally settled in and ready to keep writing. As per the advice of a few people who messaged me, I also set up a [buymeacoffee profile](https://www.buymeacoffee.com/angrydinosaur) so that folks can tip me if they like. No pressure whatsoever to tip me, but it’s definitely a great motivator to help keep me writing (these take me many many hours of free time) and will help fund any dates I go on in the near future ;)

In case you missed the other two chapters in this story, here’s [Part 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/qqj36m/i_m_worked_as_a_busboy_at_the_hottest_sorority_f/?sort=new) and here’s [Part 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/qrbpvv/part_2_i_m_worked_as_a_busboy_at_the_hottest/).

And with that, I hope you enjoy the next chapter…


I decided not to text Jazmine back. While there was definitely some spite behind that decision, I also realized that I had no reason to chase after her. If she wanted to talk, she’d see me at the house during my next shift, and we could take it from there.

(PART 2) I [M] worked as a busboy at the hottest sorority [F] house on campus

Thank you for all the praise and feedback on my first post! If you haven’t already read part one of the story, I definitely recommend you go do so [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/qqj36m/i_m_worked_as_a_busboy_at_the_hottest_sorority_f/). It’ll set the context for a lot of what’s to come, and today I’ll pick up right where that first story left off. Enjoy!


I finished up my shift, locked the back door to the kitchen, and started to walk home. I couldn’t stop thinking about Jazmine’s ass. Did that really just happen? It was already around 10pm and I hadn’t checked my phone in a while, so I pulled it from my bag and saw I had a few notifications. Nothing major, just some Snaps, a few missed spam calls, and some unread texts. I saw a text from a number I didn’t recognize, and it read, “Hey busboy it’s Jazmine. I’m at Hammerhouse [a local college bar], you should come.”

I tried to play it cool and responded, “Sounds like a fun time. I just got out of work and need to shower. How long are you gonna be there?”

“At least until 12 for ladies night.”

“Perfect, I’ll see you there in a bit.”

I [M] worked as a busboy at the hottest sorority [F] house on campus

During my junior year of college, a friend hooked me up with a job at a sorority house on my university’s campus. It was a busboy job — I had to clean dishes, tables and floors, as well as help the chef and “house mom” with whatever else they needed. From what I’d heard about the job, it was a great way to meet cute girls and get free food. At the very least, I’d get a few good meals and some easy money out of it, right? Little did I know that taking that job would lead me to some of the craziest and sexiest experiences of my life… This is the first post of many, so stay tuned as I recount my days as a sorority house busboy:

First, a little bit about me: I’m a slightly above-average looking Brazilian-American guy. I have a slim and athletic build from years of playing soccer, but I’m certainly no David Beckham. This is also relevant context for later on: I joined a fraternity my freshman year since I was from out of state and didn’t really know anyone. It was relatively new and mostly filled with chill and nerdy guys, so it also wasn’t something I really ever brought up when talking to girls.