Roadhead from My Cheerleader Crush over Christmas [MF]

There’s only so much time you can spend with your extended family before it starts to drive you nuts. I was home for Christmas from the city a few hundred miles away where I went to college. I’d had just about enough of White Christmas and playing legos with my cousins so I hopped in my truck and drove out to a roadside bar that hadn’t paid too much attention to our fake IDs when I was underage.

It was decently packed, I figured I’d run into some of the old crew so I picked an open seat at the bar, ordered a longneck and took in the room. Seemed like most of the people were in the same boat as me, escaping from too much family time to the noisy confines of a dive bar.

“Oh my god! Hi!” Lilly wrapped her arms around my neck from behind and gave me a squeeze.

“Hey stranger!” I turned to look at her. She still looked amazing. In highschool, Lilly was the bubbly cheerleader with the long string of disappointing white-trash boyfriends. She was probably 5’8″, with a toned athlete’s body, wearing cowboy boots, jeans that accentuated her perky, firm ass and a snap-button western shirt that was unbuttoned enough to show her pert b-cups.

Fucked My Ex During a St. Paddy’s Day Party [MF][Cheating]

The recent holiday got me thinking about another story about Jana and I, this one takes place five years after the events of [my last story about Jana](

Once in a while, when we were both horny we might exchange a few naughty text messages, engage in some light flirting and fantasizing, but that was about it these days. We lived in different cities and both had relationships here and there, but there was always still an animal attraction between the two of us. There were a couple times, though, that we ended up in the same place at the same time.

My west coast job hadn’t panned out. I’d lived out there for a couple years, decided the workload was too much for very little pay and moved on again. I was still pretty young and looking to chase dreams instead of money (oh to have that luxury!) so I sold everything that didn’t fit in my rusty SUV and hit the road with little more than my guitar and the clothes on my back.

Fucked a Coworker after the Bar – Part 2 [MF]

[Find Part 1 Here](

*Part 1 TL;DR – Sexual tension with a coworker at a fancy martini bar boils over after post-work shift drinks turn into a late night in the bar. I’m fucking her up against the bar at 4AM when the lights turn on.*

I have never gotten my pants up so fast in my life. I went from pounding Kalah as hard as I could to boner-tucked-in-my-waistband in five seconds flat. We both I scrambled to get ourselves sorted. Fortunately for us, we hadn’t gotten our clothes very far OFF so it was easy to get them back ON.

We heard murmuring coming from the hallway that led from the bar lounge to the kitchen and before too long two men came into the bar lounge. They were as surprised to see us as we were to see them. I looked at my phone and it was past 4AM at this point. I realized that this was the overnight cleaning crew who came in several times a week to do deep-cleans of drain grates and kitchen appliances. The two men clearly did not speak very much English and even if they had heard anything they didn’t seem like they cared so Kalah and I mumbled some excuses about working late and begged off in a hurry.

Fucked a Coworker after the Bar [MF]

Here’s one of the worst kept secrets in the service industry. The stories are true, everybody is fucking eachother.

When I was in my mid-20s I worked behind the stick at a fancy martini bar in a small-ish midwestern city. I was in a mildly dark place in my life. I drank too much and spent too many late nights getting up to all kinds of mischief. The unintended consequence of this was that, when thrust into a high-pressure, lots of alcohol situation like a high volume, fancy bar with a bunch of other people with similar attitudes, we got up to a lot of mischief together.

By the time I left that town I had the feeling of sneaking off like a thief in the night while all of the messy, drunk flings I’d had there burned like Rome in her final days behind me. Here’s one.

Her name was Kalah and she was trouble. I would imagine she is still trouble to this day. She was the girl who was ordering shots right before bar close, she’d get uncomfortably close to all the FNGs*, slapping asses, brushing her ample breasts on you in a tight hallway.

Moving Away: An Encounter With an Ex Before I Left Town [MF]

_Reposting this because it randomly got deleted? Taking the opportunity to edit my writing from 5 years ago. The second part is still up here: [Moving Away Again](

It was a hot day at the end of July and my apartment had no air conditioning. I could feel the sweat running down my neck as I heaved my mattress out into the hallway. I was 22, in about as good of shape as I’ll ever be, but a day’s worth of moving everything I owned out of my apartment, down six flights of stairs and into a UHaul really started to take it out of me. I stripped off my drenched t-shirt and grabbed an ice cold beer from the fridge. As I took the first swig, my phone rang.

“I heard you’re moving away.” The voice on the other end belonged to Jana, the first girl I had ever truly loved. After dating for most of college, our relationship had imploded in spectacular fashion. Tearful fights, intense makeup/hate sex, late night texts, the whole nine yards. Exactly the type of thing you’d expect from two high-intensity kids barely out of their teens who had a whole hell of a lot more living to do.

Came on My Coworker’s Face at a Convention: Part 5 [MF]

*Back from the convention I was just working, wanted to finish this off. TL;DR – Myself and my rad, Christina Hendricks-looking, red headed AV ninja worked late, got drunk, wore robes and masturbated together. Then we engaged in an increasingly risky series of hijinx at the convention we were working together culminating in some incredible drunk sex in her hotel room.*

[Part 1]( – [Part 2]( – [Part 3]( – [Part 4](

**Part 5**

There’s something about teardown that’s always cathartic. The whole house of cards that you’ve built, if it hasn’t already come tumbling down of its own accord, gets to be deconstructed, piece by piece and put away neatly for next time. Samantha, myself and the rest of the team had our hands full for the next day or so breaking down all the gear and shuttling it back to rental agencies, warehouses and our own in-house studio. The night we wrapped, I took the whole team out for dinner. We drank, we laughed, we ate Mexican food and Samantha and I went back to our hotel rooms. Both exhausted from staying up way the fuck too late the night before the final day and then having to begin teardown while all of the tech bros went off to post-convention happy hour, anything beyond simply passing out just wasn’t in the cards.

Came on my Coworker’s Face at a Convention: Part 4 [MF]

*These TL;DRs are getting long! To catch up:*
[Part 1](
[Part 2](
[Part 3](

**Part 4**

The hotel bar was one of those big, open-atrium style spots that only get built in brand new hotels. A giant, diamond-shaped bar occupied the center with tables and chairs strewn seemingly at random around the rest of the room and a line of more private booths along the far wall. While a few of the C-levels had begged off when we got back to the hotel from dinner, there were still five or six of us who rolled into the bar together after our fancy dinner. The sales guy who made us do retsina shots had forced a couple more shots on the group before we left the restaurant and I was definitely feeling them by the time we got back.

If you’ve ever been to one of these big corporate conventions, the hotel bars are frequently packed with attendees until closing time. Almost everyone there is still rocking a name badge over their suit coat, polo shirt or startup tee. Additionally, with the amount of young folks of both genders who spent every night “networking” (aka drinking) at this convention, I would have to imagine that Samantha and I were not the only ones having a hell of a lot of fun.

Came on my Coworkers Face at a Convention: Part 3 [MF][Teasing]

*Sorry for the delay, y’all. I was working an event for the last few days and it didn’t leave me much time for reminiscing.*

For those who didn’t read [Part 1]( or [Part 2](

*TL;DR – Me (6′ bearded guy, think Jason Momoa but like, you know, not insanely jacked) and my coworker Samantha (think Christina Hendricks with a bunch of tattoos and not, you know, the most beautiful woman alive) are working an extremely stressful corporate convention where I handle all the day-to-day, managing our little team and she’s an AV squad of one.*

*Part 1: Late night text about how awesome our hotel robes are turns into sending noods and eventually mutual masturbation with me cumming all over her face. Fun!*

*Part 2: Day one of the Convention stress leads to some more dirty texting and an intense blowjob in a storage closet during a presentation. Highly professional!*

**Part 3:**

Came on My Coworkers Face at a Convention Part 2 [MF]

Seems like y’all wanted to hear the rest of the story with Samantha. Who am I to deny the public? Check Part 1 [here](

Part 1 TL;DR – Me (6′ bearded guy) and my coworker Samantha (think Christina Hendricks with a bunch of tattoos and not, you know, the most beautiful woman alive) are working an extremely stressful corporate convention where I handle all the day-to-day and she’s an AV squad of one. Late night text about how awesome our hotel robes are turns into sending noods and eventually mutual masturbation with me cumming all over her face. Fun!

Part 2: The Convention

Setup is always brutal, but execution is always worse. No matter how much we prepared, dealing with the egos of tech bros is never pretty. The first day of the convention was crazy, I barely had time to think about how I had shot a huge load all over my (extremely competent and hardworking) AV assistant’s face and neither, I assumed, had she. We were guns blazing from 4:30AM to well after midnight. I wish I could say something fun happened that night but we just downed shots from a bottle of bourbon I make sure to keep close at hand for times when the hotel bar is closed by the time we are wrapped and crashed.

Came on my coworkers face at a convention [MF][Masturbation]

Years ago I worked for a mid-size software company based in the Bay Area. Being on the marketing team, I was responsible for ensuring that our annual meeting always went smoothly. This usually entailed what basically amounted to a “hell week” in which myself and several other members of my team stayed at a hotel and worked morning to night making sure presentations would go off without a hitch, guest speakers were lined up and ready to go, etc. etc.

During one of those “hell weeks” I was working closely with a girl named Samantha who was responsible for all of the AV elements of the convention. Samantha was on the thick side with firey red hair, a full sleeve of tattoos on her left arm and a rack that truly wouldn’t quit. We had worked together for a while prior and were pretty close friends when this particular “hell week” came around. Samantha was a Burner-type chick who was always down to grab drinks, talk some shit and regale me with stories of her sexual exploits. But there was never much sexual tension between us until that weekend.