The New Neighbor


Cheryl walked outside her door to a bright and sunny day.

"Lovely," she said out loud as she made her way to her car. Hitting the button to unlock the doors she noticed a moving van in the neighboring driveway. Had someone finally bought the house? She was still a bit early to meet her girlfriend Sharron at the mall so she decided it might be a good idea to meet these new neighbors. She walked around the white fence that separated the driveways.

There was movement inside the van. "Hello?" she said. "Is someone in there?"

The movement stopped. A moment later a young man hopped from the back. He was roughly six foot with blond hair in an almost crew-cut style. His build wasn't particularly impressive, but he could have been military. "Ugh," thought Cheryl. Military men had never been her thing, even less so when she was cheated on by her ex-husband who had been a military man himself. She ultimately chalked it up to her going for something outside of her normal preferences. It never would have worked out.