The New Neighbor


Cheryl walked outside her door to a bright and sunny day.

"Lovely," she said out loud as she made her way to her car. Hitting the button to unlock the doors she noticed a moving van in the neighboring driveway. Had someone finally bought the house? She was still a bit early to meet her girlfriend Sharron at the mall so she decided it might be a good idea to meet these new neighbors. She walked around the white fence that separated the driveways.

There was movement inside the van. "Hello?" she said. "Is someone in there?"

The movement stopped. A moment later a young man hopped from the back. He was roughly six foot with blond hair in an almost crew-cut style. His build wasn't particularly impressive, but he could have been military. "Ugh," thought Cheryl. Military men had never been her thing, even less so when she was cheated on by her ex-husband who had been a military man himself. She ultimately chalked it up to her going for something outside of her normal preferences. It never would have worked out.

"Hey, sorry if I was being loud," the young man said to her. "My family just moved in. They're inside moving some stuff around. My name is Dave."

Dave extended his right hand out to shake Cheryl's. At least he wasn't a complete ass. Probably still a bit of an ass.

"Hi. Cheryl Smith. I live next door."

"Well it's nice to be meeting the neighbors already," Dave replied, beaming her a smile. "Are you all this good looking?"

Cheryl was taken aback. This was the first time a positive thought had crossed her mind. He didn't seem like an ass at all. And that smile. It was so sly, almost mischievous. It seemed that he knew something that no one else did. Or at least not Cheryl.

"You're too kind," Cheryl said. She had to try everything in her willpower not to giggle. Already losing the internal battle to not embarrass herself, she went on, "What's your family's story?"

"Well," Dave began, "My parents both received teaching offers from two local universities. We moved out here from Wyoming. There is certainly a lot more here. Have you ever heard the stereotype that there is nothing in Wyoming? Biggest understatement of my life," he laughed. "There is seriously nothing, not even in Cheyenne."

"Small town kid, huh?"

"Wouldn't call myself a kid at 21. But I'll be graduating next May. Soon I'm gonna be walking around with a cane."

Cheryl laughed despite herself. "If you think 21 is old, you'll probably think I'm ancient."

"What? I thought you were still in high school!" He joked.

"If only. Well I have to run to the mall. I'll be sure to say hello to your parents at some point. It was nice meeting you, Dave."

"You too, Mrs. Smi-"

"Miss!" she blurted out. Instantly she blushed, feeling quite foolish. "But you can call me Cheryl," she said quickly attempting – and failing – to rectify her embarrassing quickness.

"Alright," he laughed. "It was nice to meet you. Cheryl." he finished with that smile again.

Cheryl turned swiftly turned away and hurried around the fence. She got in her car and looked in the mirror. Her face was still blushed from the interaction. Something had caused her to react in the strangest way to him. There was a feeling in her mind like she had not felt in years. Five years to be exact, since she last saw her ex-husband without hating him. Closing her eyes she fought the emotions of remembering those days. Back then life seemed perfect, as if nothing would ever change. Now was an entirely different story. She had not felt any attraction to a man. Not up until now, she suddenly realized. Did she want this young man? She no longer thought in her mind of him as a kid. Perhaps it was simply a passing emotion.

Finally opening her eyes, Cheryl reached into her purse to get her keys. She drove out to meet her friend.


Cheryl looked at the clothes laid out on the bed. Despite her intents to only window shop, there were four new outfits laid out of the bed. Her petite frame was entirely unclothed ready to try on her spoils. She caught a quick glance in the mirror before she began. Her 32C bust was still quite perky largely thanks to her love of fitness. A track scholarship during her college years kept that ingrained in her. And her ass was probably the greatest reward of those years. Firm and round, it got looks no matter where she went. Her waistline definitely helped. Still slim at the tender age of 28 and with what every guy she had been with described as baby birthing hips, her beauty was nearly indescribable. Unfortunately she did not feel the same way. Baby birthing hips? Who would want those, they're too large. And 32C isn't nearly big enough. Nor was her ass ever going to be in a magazine.

It took nearly an hour to try everything, but in the end she was satisfied with her purchases. The best purchase was a red, low cut blouse. Perfectly accenting her generous bosoms, it was probably going to be one of her routine tops. Taking it off after a second test fit, she thought back to her interaction with the new neighbor earlier. Nothing had made her that excited in so many years. Was excited even the right word? It had been so long the feeling had became alien to her. There was a tingle inside her. Inside her pussy even. Her naked body had an energy radiating from her pussy.

"I wonder."

She took her hand and reached down to her hairless pussy. Wetness. When was the last time she had even been wet? Her hand brushed her clit. She was suddenly turned on. Nothing would have felt better than having something inside her. Slowly she started rubbing herself a little more. Thinking back to that interaction with Dave. That smile. He knew something about her that even she didn't know. Maybe it was that she wanted him. How could he know that from just one interaction.

There was no turning back now. She had to sit down to continue. Opening her eyes, something suddenly caught her eye out the window. It was Dave looking out his window next door. He could see what she was doing. Violently shooting to the window, she closed the blinds at the exact speed you would expect of someone in this situation.

Dropping to the floor, Cheryl could only think of how much Dave had seen. Now he knew what she looked like naked. There was nothing she could hide. Her baby making hips. Her not big enough tits. But had he even seen her? Maybe he was just looking outside. Although that couldn't be right, he had that smile. That smile. Just thinking about it instantly changed her from embarrassed to turned on even more turned on then she had been before being caught. That smile knew something. It turned her on in such a magical way. Her thighs were becoming wet from the juices that were now streaming from her now soaking pussy.

Nothing would stop her this time. She laid where she was and began rubbing her clit. The clockwork rotation of her right middle finger caused her to shiver. Her entire hand was now covered in her fluids, the scent filling her nostrils. Faster she rubbed before finding her rhythm, the image of this young man in her mind. His knowing smile. Maybe he knew what she was doing right now, maybe he knew what she was thinking of while doing this.

"Ohhh," came out a moan. Completely unintentional. Her natural response to what her finger was doing.

Images of Dave's smile had transformed into images of Dave's hard cock inside her mouth. She was sucking it as well she could. Wrapping her tongue around the head. Gently rolling his balls around her fingers. Moving her mouth up and down on his throbbing erection. Trying her hardest to get him off. To taste his warm load in her mouth. Sucking him dry. Harder now, her saliva all over his rock hard member.

More moaning came from her mouth. She was starting to shiver. Her pussy was so wet that it was dripping.

These images of sucking him off were no longer enough, now she was being fucked by him. Using her as his little fuck toy. That would be his style, she thought. And it was her style to be used. She thought of Dave pushing her legs as close to her head as possible. Pounding her with intense rhythm. Using all of his massive cock to penetrate her deeper than she had ever been penetrated. And wider too, his cock taking up all of her pussy. Stretching in such a pleasurable way. Her juices all over his cock.

More moaning. She wouldn't be able to last much longer.

He was getting close too, she could tell from his the way his cock throbbed. He was fucking her harder. She had no choice but to enjoy being fucked like this. Him getting his cock deeper and deeper with each thrust it seemed. She was on the verge of cumming now. More thoughts of being fucked like a toy.

"Ohhhhhh!" Cheryl exclaimed as she finally came to orgasm. Her whole body shaking the entire time. She was still being penetrated, being completely used by him.

Finally her hand stopped moving. She no longer needed to get herself off. Yet she was still shaking from the climax. Eventually she just lay there quivering. Her energy was entirely spent.

Several minutes must have passed before she was able to stop her shaking. Hundreds of thoughts raced through her mind. Thoughts she hadn't had for years. But they all eventually came back to that young man. This is wrong, there's no way he is into me too, she thought. Such a vivid fantasy though, she had never felt that with anyone before. Not even intimate partners.

After a couple more minutes of simply lying on the ground, Cheryl finally got the power to begin cleaning up. She realized her juices from being so turned on had caused a small puddle on the floor. Walking to the kitchen to get a rag to clean herself up, she began trying to get him off her mind.



  1. Hey all. This is my first "foray" into erotica. Hopefully you all enjoy this. If you have any constructive criticism feel free to give me some feedback! Also this is sorta part of a serial so if you like it I’ll be continuing this plot in the future

  2. Omg this was perfect! Managed to get me hard in my class and it’s hard to hide!!!

  3. First?!?!?!? Seems more like your 10th or 100th time writing about it. I’m ready for chapter 3!!

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