Fire on the Mountain

Last year I went through a tough breakup and decided to do a bit of soul searching. I cleaned myself up a bit, quit watching a lot of porn and basically tried to be spartan and controlled. I also started a new job at the University I had been a grad student at so I was feeling like I was on a good path. I had been addicted to the dating apps but all that seemed to get me was these cyclical relationships that always fizzled out. I was now in my late 20s and tired of swiping.

Enter Taylor. Taylor had just graduated from undergrad and was working on campus for the summer. I had seen a her around before and always thought she was super cute. Curly dirty blond hair, and the body of a ballerina but with notably perky tits and always a cute smile. She reminded me of Keri Russel from Felicity. Kind of a throwback, sexy girl next door thing going on. We had exchanged pleasantries before and had always smiled at each other on the quad but that was the extent until that summer. We were both working in the same lab and shared the same office. We started talking every day and after a couple weeks there was obvious chemistry.