The tale of the lonely latina MILF [MF]

Swiping on a dating app one night for myself and I come across “Bianca”. She’s in her late 30s (and I in my late 20s at the time) and I start chatting with her. She’s about 5’8″ and the few pics she has I can see the baby weight of her kids are all centered in her massive hips and ass. After some back and forth we have it set for her to come over. Now at this point I’m pretty naive when it comes to cheating and I figured she was just being nice and wanted to just make friends. Which is why we made awkward small talk and she left after like a half hour. We talked on an off for a few days after and I made an innocuous comment about being lonely, and she blurts out about how her husband hasn’t touched her in months. of course I tell her that’s a tragedy and she’s beautiful and suddenly she wants to come over that night.