One of my ex’s basically used anal to ‘make it up to me’. She always knew I wanted to do anal and tried but it was way too uncomfortable for her so we stopped after the 2nd attempt.
The first time she used anal to ‘make it up to me’ was a night out she lost her shit at me because a guy at my table looked at her friend up and down like she was a piece of meat. Which was somehow my fault. Didn’t even know the guy. This was standard behaviour when she was drinking, just flipping on me out of nowhere making a scene and I had it at this point so i told her to get home with her friends, I wasn’t taking her home and would talk to her the next day when she wasn’t drunk and out of her mind to have a talk. (Basically to break up)
Fast forward to 2am, she’s called me 16 times (I can see she’s home to her sisters on snap maps) – I eventually answer and she begs me over she loves me and blah blah blah, the poor sap I am I go over to her sisters house where she’s home alone to hear her out. I’m too soft and miss her and can’t hear her crying her eyes out. Especially alone.